(15 results)

Bruce Stanley • St Philips Eastwood Anglican Church • Sermon • • 15 views • 19:22

2 Peter 3
Sibin Varghese • East Coast Anglican • Sermon • • 11 views • 25:13
Sibin Varghese visited as a guest preacher. Our apologies for a couple of glistches in the recording.

Sunday Sermons
Pastor Justin Harris • Faith Naples • Sermon • • 84 views • 1:03:11
The day of the Lord draws near, Are you ready? Listen in to find out the details.

The creed
Kenneth Martinez • Sermon • • 7 views • 40:43
In mainstream culture, Jesus is a middle eastern teacher who was both wise and loving. He is often associated with a cross and an empty tomb, and not a lot more. The majority of people, including professed Christians, are oblivious about the current estate and activities of Jesus. And yet, in order to fully understand his character, we need to be aware of where Jesus currently is, what is he up to, and what his next move will be.

2 Peter 3:10-13
Dan Garland • Hugo Community Church • Sermon • • 11 views • 37:10

The Book of Malachi
Randy Bradley • Sermon • • 113 views • 26:37
The Day of the Lord is certainly coming. We do not know when that Day will be. That day will mean different things for different people. The last chapter of Malachi closes the Old Testament, in it Malachi describes what will happen to those who fear the Lord and to those that do not.
Steve Caswell • Sermon • • 27 views
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Stephen Caswell © 2000 The Liberation of Europe The war in the South Pacific lead to many countries being overrun by Japan. After about five years of war the Allies had turned the war around and were closing in on Japan. As they moved through the South Pacific people viewed this…
Sermon • • 33 views
The day of the Lord Lesson Text: 2 Thessalonians 2 Preached in Quabbin Valley on 5/3/09 Introduction: The subject of “end times” has in the past few years taken off we have books and movies and study bibles and all kinds of other products promoting a certain fantasy type of “end times”. Much of what…
Sermon • • 1,534 views
Title: The Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Text: Revelation 6:1-8. CIT: Conflict, war, famine and death are unleashed with great destruction and power upon the earth. Theme: What can I do to be ready for God’s judgment upon unrepentant mankind. Purpose: Salvation/Didactic. Introduction Should we believe…
Paul Hawkins • Sermon • • 33 views
Zephaniah 3 [1:14-2:3] The day of יְהוָה Intro: Let us say the Lord’s Prayer: “ …… Thy Kingdom come! ….” – we pray for it. It is praying for Jesus to return, to set up His throne in Zion. A Kingdom that is an everlasting Kingdom, and a Dominion, that endures throughout all generations. THE KING IS COMING!…
Paul Hawkins • Sermon • • 28 views
THE DAY OF THE LORD Amos 5:16-27 What is it? [v.16,17] – Therefore" – this is a consequence, a conclusion from what has gone before (2 months ago) goes back to v.13, because of the suppression of justice and righteousness. conclusion: judgement because of Israel's refusal to repent. This judgement comes…
Paul Hawkins • Sermon • • 23 views
Joel 2:18-32. - Review: a terrible day coming the Day of the LORD: Locust beasts (demonic manifestation spoken of in Rev 9), fire, war to end all wars, cosmic shaking. In view of the nearness of this coming calamity, there was an urgent need to warn others and to prepare ourselves. Prepare through heartfelt…
Paul Hawkins • Sermon • • 33 views
JOEL 2:1-17. A. ? Locust Plague. [OHP1] - Recap (terrible locust plague picturing coming judgment) Read [OHP2] - insects, army, ? something more - God’s instrument of judgment - Egypt (picture of judgment to come) - read a lot of Scripture so the picture you have is that from God’s word, not my imagination:…
Paul Hawkins • Sermon • • 30 views
JOEL CH.1. Intro: - Joel ch.1 - minor prophet, after major - not less important, but shorter. Easier to cover whole book and contain message for the time near the end. - What if your whole income for a year was taken from you - how would you respond? This is the situation in Joel. - Economy based on…
Paul Hawkins • Sermon • • 26 views
Joel 3. Intro: [OHP1] - Day of the LORD - judgment on Israel, but then the nations are judged. Read - attack on world trade centre, Osama Ben Laden? What were his first words? USA got their just deserts, why? ? capitalism, ? Permissiveness, ? Iraqi sanctions, no, tanks in Ramalla, occupation of West…