(4 results)
Chad Richard Bresson • The Table of Los Fresnos • Sermon • • 0 views
Indiana Jones is afraid of _________? Indiana Jones is afraid of _________? Snakes. A running theme of the Indiana Jones franchise is his fear of snakes. In one famous scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark, Harrison Ford and Karen Allen make their way through the Well of Souls. For that scene, Ford and…
Walter Noteboom • Sermon • • 1 view
Look to Christ, lifted up in the wilderness, and fin salvation from your sins.
Pastor Nemi • Sermon • • 3 views
La serpiente de bronce 4 Los israelitas salieron del monte Hor por la ruta del Mar Rojo, bordeando el territorio de Edom. En el camino se impacientaron 5 y comenzaron a hablar contra Dios y contra Moisés: —¿Para qué nos trajeron ustedes de Egipto a morir en este desierto? ¡Aquí no hay pan ni agua! ¡Ya…
David E. Boyles • Sermon • • 20 views
David Boyles Numbers 21:4-9 I don’t need directions If you would please open, you copy of the Scriptures to the book of Numbers chapter 21, starting in verse 4. Our text this morning is a very well know text and so I doubt that there is anyone here who has not heard someone preach or refer in some way…