(6 results)
Bill Bursztynski • Mount Pisgah Baptist Church • Sermon • • 13 views • 46:34
Message and hymns on the Power of God.
GLENN PEASE • Sermon • • 27 views
By Pastor Glenn Pease In may of 1883 strange noises were heard over a hundred miles away coming from the island of Krakatoa between Java and Sumatra. Some Dutchmen chartered a boat and visited the island to investigate. They heard rumbling deep in the earth, and saw geysers of steam shooting up here…
Joel Arndt • Sermon • • 31 views
Idols Fall, God Stands! 1 Samuel 5:1-7:1 August 1st, 2010 Introduction · The Ark has been captured. o When the nations of this time went to war it was always the assumption that it was not so much the people who were battling against one another but the gods of the people. o So that when the ark of the…
Sermon • • 174 views
Walking into an Impossibility (Exodus 14:10-20) The power of God is displayed when we move beyond our possibilities. The Hebrew slaves found themselves surrounded by the impossible. Before them was the sea, beside them was the desert, and behind them was the enemy. They faced three alternatives. They…
Robert Govoni • Sermon • • 56 views
The Power of our God Beaver Creek Baptist Church 9/23/07 Pastor Bob Govoni Church, we have been on a journey and my prayer is that you have meditated on who God is, and why we worship. Today we are going to learn how to unleash God’s power in your life. In the past several weeks we have discussed that…
DANIEL JOHNSON • Sermon • • 268 views
My grace is sufficient for you 6/8/08 a.m. God’s Riches Available at Christ’s Expense This is a message of sufficient grace. God is sufficient for our spiritual ministries (2 Cor. 3:4–6) and our material needs (2 Cor. 9:8) as well as our physical needs (2 Cor. 12:9). If God’s grace is sufficient to save…