(4 results)
The Passover
Sims • Sermon • • 8 views
Background The given of instructions concerning the Passover and feast of unleavened bread represents an interruption of the plagues narrative. This raises the question why? There were interruptions up until now so why here? The answer is because the passover is integral to what God is going to do. In…
Heil in Christus
Henry Dirksen • Sermon • • 25 views
Eine schnelle Darlegung von Epheser 1 mit 3 A.T. Schattenbildern auf Jesus die dem Zuhoerer helfen soll Gottes Sicherheit fuer die in Christus glaeubigen zu verstehen
Exodus: Freedom from Bondage
Colin Connor • Sermon • • 35 views • 50:58
The Passover as Rebirth, sacrifices at the door, and what an ancient Jewish king can teach us about applying the Bible
Exodus: Freedom from Bondage
Colin Connor • Sermon • • 61 views • 56:46
The significance of OT sacrifices, blood as an interdimensional buffer, who actually killed the firstborn, and getting out of Egypt