(2 results)
Tony Schachle • FARM HILL CHURCH • Sermon • • 70 views • 40:11
God is up to something. There is an atmosphere of anticipation. There is an environment of expectation. God is getting ready to lead us into deeper spiritual waters and depths of His promises. We are standing on the threshold of something great. It's time to Step Across the Threshold!
Believe Again: Gospel of John
Joel Kolb • Spring City Fellowship • Sermon • • 15 views • 46:20
If Jesus is God, then God must be like Jesus! God the Father and Jesus are One both in essence and in character. The first thing that we need to believe about God is that God is good. If you believe that God is good, then you will want to know Him more. When you believe God and know God, then God can work through you to draw others to Himself.