(18 results)

The Spirit in You
Dr. Will Lohnes • Hope Chapel Greenville • Sermon • • 40 views
What are the Essentials and non-essentials of the faith of Christians? John 3:5-8 gives to us the importance of knowing the leading of the Spirit and His Word.
Shane Robinson • Sermon • • 81 views
When you are lost, use GPS (Matthew 11:28-30) Introduction: 1. Next week is father’s day. Father’s day is one of those holidays that you may be uncertain on what to get for that special person. a. We have those lasting gifts: personalized plaque, sports memoribila, #1 dad cup. b. Then we have those sounded…
Shane Robinson • Sermon • • 1,077 views
Do You Know Jesus? Philippians 3:7-11 Introduction: 1. Do you know Jesus? a. If you watch religious television or listen to religious radio, you have likely heard the question, “Do you know Jesus” on more than one occasion. b. May I begin by making a bold statement: “When it all boils down, our salvation…
Shane Robinson • Sermon • • 885 views
The Importance of Faithful Attendance Hebrews 10:23-25 Introduction: 1. Paul Harvey once reported on a 73 year old man who was pinned beneath his farm tractor in driving rain and freezing temperatures. Concerned friends finally went to see about him, apparently just in time. Evidently he survived the…
Shane Robinson • Sermon • • 19 views
All about Jesus Introduction: 1. Our lesson today is entitled: All about Jesus. 2. Jesus is by far the greatest man who ever lived. a. His birth was the greatest of any man (Isa.9:6). b. His life was the greatest ever lived (Heb.4:15). c. His teaching was the greatest of any (Matt. 7:28, 29). d. His…
Shane Robinson • Sermon • • 189 views
The Future is Bright Introduction: 1. Well, as far as I know, my family will be back in town for a while. We have been all across the country this month, and are glad to be back. 2. Last week I attended a seminar especially designed for preachers and their families (PTP). a. I am grateful to be able…
Shane Robinson • Sermon • • 4,133 views
Types and Antitypes – The Ark and the Church 1 Peter 3:20-21 Introduction: 1. Do not let the title of our lesson confuse you. a. Noah’s Ark: A type of the church b. The Bible is made up of two parts, an old covenant (Jews) and a new covenant (everyone today). 2. Many times you will read in the old covenant…
Shane Robinson • Sermon • • 31 views
America Bless God Proverbs 14:34 Introduction: 1. You have likely heard the phrase, “God Bless America.” While America falls farther and farther away from God, have you ever wondered, “Why should He?” 2. A gallop poll in 2005 conveyed the following results. a. A majority of Americans ACCEPT: The Death…
Shane Robinson • Sermon • • 42 views
Procrastinators Meet Tomorrow Prov.27:1 Introduction: 1. Do you ever find yourself putting things off? 2. Procrastination is a common problem: a. There is a National Procrastinators Week in March each year. b. There is a National Procrastinator’s Club. c. There is a National Fight Procrastination Day…
Shane Robinson • Sermon • • 17 views
Decision 08 Introduction: 1. Title 2. I understand that many have likely heard enough about this election, but I believe it is my role as a minister of the word to remind us of a few principles surrounding this topic. 3. It is not my place today to set for a political platform by specifically discussing…
Shane Robinson • Sermon • • 1,978 views
What About The Empty Seat? 1 Samuel 20:16-18 Introduction: 1. You may be wondering, “What is the empty chair for”? 2. Before I answer that question, I want you to think about how loud an empty chair can speak in the workplace or at the home. 3. At the workplace: a. An empty seat may mean that you are…
Shane Robinson • Sermon • • 10 views
What Preachers Wish The Church Knew About Preachers 1 Timothy 4:1-5 Introduction: 1. 10 months ago I preached a lesson entitled, “4 things I want you to know.” In this lesson we discussed the following points: a. My job is to preach and not to offend (while some may be offended by the truth, I have an…
Shane Robinson • Sermon • • 39 views
Some Who Should Not Be Baptized (Acts 8:26-38) 36 Introduction: 1. Johnny's mother looked out the window and noticed him 'playing church' with their three kittens. He had the kittens sitting in a row, and he was preaching to them. She smiled and went about her work. A while later she heard loud meowing…
Shane Robinson • Sermon • • 22 views
Family Time (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8) Introduction 1. On July 21, 1983, 288 construction workers waited for the sound of a gun. They were going to begin the construction of a house in Palmer, Alaska for Rocky and Pat Weldon. Believe it or not, the $80,000 house was finished in less than four hours. 2. You…
Shane Robinson • Sermon • • 30 views
Who Started The Rumor? Introduction: 1. Today is Sunday, September 14, 2008. One phrase will get your attention as we begin our lesson today: “High gas prices.” 2. Why are gas prices so high? May I suggest that while hurricane Ike may have something to do with it, we are the ones who brought it on ourselves.…
Shane Robinson • Sermon • • 22 views
The Last Day Introduction: 1. One of the most debated topics in the so called ‘Christian’ world today is the end times. a. What will happen at the last day? Will Jesus come back to set up an earthly kingdom or will the earth be destroyed? Are there signs we should look for, if so, what are they? b. Will…
Shane Robinson • Sermon • • 155 views
Will the Sinner’s Prayer Get Me to Heaven? Rom.10:13 Grabber: “Jesus I have lived my life until this day doing what I wanted to do. Today, however, I want to make a change. I know you died for me and want to be my Lord. So I want to ask you to come into my heart. Make it your home. Take away my sins.…
Shane Robinson • Sermon • • 229 views
Sermon Series (Lake Hills church of Christ) Shane Robinson 7/2008 The Costs of Life Table of Contents The Costs of Life – Pt.1. 3 Conviction is costly. 3 The Costs of Life – Pt. 2. 5 Unity is costly. 5 The Costs of Life – Pt. 3. 8 Salvation is costly. 8 The Costs of Life – Pt. 4. 11 Knowledge is Costly.…