(121 results)
Robert Young • Jubilee Community Church • Sermon • • 5 views • 58:30
Tradition vs. Transformation: Pursuing a True Encounter with God Primary Scripture Reading 13 Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye. Introduction Imagine someone giving you a beautifully wrapped gift. You’re thrilled to…
The Gospel of Mark
Jeremy Spence • First Baptist Church St. Paris • Sermon • • 29 views • 39:21
Who/What gets the last/final word? When determining matters of faith, life, and relationships what gets final say? How do we determine what is right and wrong? How do we determine what is best from good? Everyone has traditions. All of the world has a tradition. Every culture has their own. Every religion.…
So that you may believe - Gospel of John
James Rogers • Sermon • • 35 views • 48:54
Sabbath teaching continues Jesus is still in Jerusalem during feast of the Jews. And our story will continue there. A quick review: In Jerusalem for feast, we don’t know what one (5:1) Jesus meets man with infirmity (5:5) What was the infirmity, how long did the man have it? Jesus questions the man (5:6-8)…
Paul Redding • Northwood Community Bible Church • Sermon • • 38 views • 47:17
Celebration and Worship Celebration celebrations of our culture cultural symbols- trees, candles, lights, wreaths, gifts roots and distractions When was Jesus born? don’t know- not likely in winter- shepherds out in the field Maybe fall, maybe spring traditions established... People have put forward…
Gary D Self • Hatley Baptist Church • Sermon • • 207 views • 39:20
Jesus was Criticized for His Authority to Forgive (v. 1-8) 1 And he entered into a ship, and passed over, and came into his own city. 2 And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins…
Freedom: The book of Galatians
James Rogers • West Side Church of Christ • Sermon • • 299 views • 43:39
Magna Carta of Christian Liberty It is said that the book of Galatians is the Magna Carta for Christian Liberty or for apologetics. Paul tonight brings in a key verse in the Magna Carta that must be understood, applied and protected. Why? So we do not return to any form of bondage or legalism that wants…
The Gospel of Mark
Jeff Flanagan • Harvest Ridge Covenant Church • Sermon • • 2 views • 36:30
Now I Live
Parkway Christian Center • Abundant Life Assembly • Sermon • • 16 views • 55:37
Phil Anderson • Bethel Church of Tallmadge • Sermon • • 11 views • 49:34
The Book of 1 Thessalonians
Phil Anderson • Bethel Church of Tallmadge • Sermon • • 5 views • 46:26
Aaron Love • First Baptist Sterling Heights • Sermon • • 8 views • 41:10
Stop Holding On So Tight!
Who is this Jesus?
Matt Stidham • East Side Church of Christ • Sermon • • 65 views • 36:13
It’s not the outside that makes us unclean, but the heart.
Aaron Love • First Baptist Sterling Heights • Sermon • • 20 views • 43:30
Introduction Ah, junk food! How many here in the present or in their past do not or have not enjoyed what we affectionately call junk food? Growing up at a Christian camp my parents allowed me and my siblings to have 2 free items from the snack shop each day. I would even go around to the other tables…
Luke 2021
Jason Stuart Percy • Refuge TLH • Sermon • • 10 views • 1:10:22
Jesus commands all people everywhere to repent and to believe Him. We lay our trust in Him as the offering for our sins, as the One who died, was buried, and is alive again forever. God gives the gift of repentance that we might change our minds and turn from sin to the Living God. We are able to be free from traditions which teach us to value the tradition itself over the welfare of others. We understand that while the Kingdom of God began very small, it grows. We also understand that there are few who will be saved. Many will not turn aside to walk the narrow way which leads to life. Jesus laments over those who continue in rebellion to Him. Shared by Jason Stuart Percy on Sunday, July 25, 2021 at Refuge Christian Fellowship in Tallahasee, FL.
John 2021-2022
Jason Stuart Percy • Refuge TLH • Sermon • • 41 views • 1:09:59
We humans are all dead in our trespasses and sins. We have no life in us. It is the effectual call of Jesus, the giver and sustainer of life, that revives and enables us to trust Him. He cares not about the way of our traditions, especially those we use to put ourselves above others and to neglect our acts of service and charity (love) to our neighbor. We are those who excuse ourselves from obedience for myriads of reasons, all of which we excuse in ourselves and condemn in others. What hypocrites we are! True life, eternal life, is in the Father and in the Son, Jesus. He gives life to whomever He wills. Let us be those who diligently search the sscriptures, that we might know God as He reveals Himself through the prophets and apostles. But... let us not stop with having knowledge... let us go on to commune with Jesus, let us respond to Him, let us come to Him... and find life. These thoughts were shared by Jason Stuart Percy at Refuge TLH in Tallahasee, FL on Sunday, December 5, 2021
Brian Allison • Midway Baptist Church • Sermon • • 33 views • 42:52
Part 1 - The Temple or Jesus?
The things that have made Jesus irresistible are not found in the Old Testament temple model. He introduced them to us, and by keeping the temple mindset out of our churches, Jesus' story will outshine our weaknesses.
MARK - The Roadrunner Gospel
Pastor Tom Allen • Redeemer Alliance Church • Sermon • • 43 views • 49:00
The Gospel of Mark
Jonathan Robinson • Sermon • • 5 views
Jesus is the pure one who rightly interprets the law of God and reveals that the heart of the law is to direct the heart of man to Jesus.
Fr Dominic • Sermon • • 9 views
How modernist interpretation fails to pass on the true faith believed and pass on from the apostles.
Ancient faith built on Tradition and Scripture, verses modern faith built solely on scripture.
Portrait of Jesus According to the Gospel of Mark
Shon George • T.R.U.T.H. Ministries • Sermon • • 10 views
The religious leaders came from Jersualem to question Jesus, based on their traditions, about eating with defile hands. Jesus teaches it is not what goes in that defiles a person but what comes out.
Roger McCort • Sermon • • 4 views
The intent, not the letter of the law for the King
Shawn Sanseverino • Sermon • • 5 views
DESCRIPTION: In this series on the Book of Mark, we take time to notice how Mark highlights Jesus as the main attraction of his book. This week, Pastor Shawn explores Mark 7:1-23, where Jesus teaches about what how unbiblical traditions are the root of corruption and evil.
Dr. Casey Adams • Sermon • • 2 views
Embrace the transformative power of God rather than clinging to old traditions. Recognize the importance of the anointing over the methods previously used.
Stop Taking Sides
Jason Schafer • Sermon • • 4 views
Welcome Statement Good morning everyone, last week, we wrestled with the issues of human goodness and depravity, and how we find ourselves embattled in this never-ending cycle of self-justification, until we find ourselves justified in Christ. With this recognition and understanding of our deep well…