(7 results)
Roger Yenkins • Sermon • • 25 views • 52:03
Ephesians is an essential book for our Christian faith. N.T. Wright likes to say that if the Reformers had focused on Ephesians instead of Romans, our Western Christianity would have been entirely different. In this audio, you will discover the central theme of Ephesians, the reconciliation of all things in Jesus Christ, and the implications of this powerful reality. It is my prayer that we take the high calling of manifesting Jesus' universal Lordship to the natural and spiritual world.
GLENN PEASE • Sermon • • 213 views
By Pastor Glenn Pease If you think Psalm 117 is a short chapter, you are right, for it is the shortest in all the Bible. But it is twice as long in English as it is in the original Hebrew. It is 33 words in English, but only 17 in the Hebrew. And it is another of the many paradoxes of the Bible, for…
GLENN PEASE • Sermon • • 20 views
By Pastor Glenn Pease Dr. Paul Brand was called by God to become an expert in treating the deformed hands of lepers. This Christian doctor has done more for restoring the hands of lepers then anyone in history. It all began in 1947 in a leprosy sanitarium not far from Madras, India. He was being shown…
GLENN PEASE • Sermon • • 67 views
By Pastor Glenn Pease An advertisement that was originally printed in the Miner's Magazine as a serious add was later published by the Reader's Digest as humor. The ad read, "Wanted: Man to work on nuclear fissionable isotope molecular reactive counter and three-phase cyclotronic uranium photosynthesizers.…
GLENN PEASE • Sermon • • 21 views
By Pastor Glenn Pease The world is full of interesting stories about numbers. For example, why does the President get a 21 gun salute. It all began in 1776 when Francis Hopkinson, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, noticed that if you add up the numbers in 1776 they come to 21. He…
GLENN PEASE • Sermon • • 565 views
By Pastor Glenn Pease A little girl was saying her prayers, and her mother suggested she ask God to get uncle John a job. The little girl considered this a good idea, and so she included this in her requests. The next evening when it was time to say her prayers again the mother reminded her to pray for…
GLENN PEASE • Sermon • • 23 views
By Pastor Glenn Pease In the spring of 1897, Thomas Hanna, a 25 year old Baptist pastor fell out of his carriage and landed on his head. When he woke up he was in a state of total amnesia. Dr. Boris Sidis and his assistant Dr. Goodhert had to teach him to talk, to eat, and to go to the bathroom as if…