(6 results)
The Corinthian Correspondence
Pastor Glenn • Grace United Family Church • Sermon • • 88 views • 54:05
The Apostle Paul considered his mission a matter of eternal life or eternal death. He was fearless in his proclamation of the gospel. Even the demons knew who Paul was. No wonder Paul was absolutely livid when it came to some false teachers who did their level best to lead the Corinthian Christians astray. How did Paul deal with them? And what about today? Where are the bold servants of God who will protect His people from false teachers? Come with the Grace United crew as we experience Paul attack the false teachers with devastaing force --to the glory of God.
A Study of 2nd Corinthians
Pastor Joe Fager • Countryside Vineyard Church • Sermon • • 24 views • 54:32
Book of 1st Corinthians
Pastor Dean Rhine • Bethel Evangelical Free Church • Sermon • • 10 views • 39:17
Continuing in the series in 1 Corinthians, We find that one of the problems they had in the church was lawsuits. Specifically, Christians were taking other Christians to court in front of unbelieving judges. Pastor Dean shows us how Paul addresses this issue with them.
Dave McNeff • Sermon • • 2,198 views
Introduction A man went to visit his well to do friend who had been taken ill. When he showed up at the door, the butler at first refused to let him in stating that the man will ill and could not be disturbed. “Nonsense,” said the friend. “It’s all in his mind. He just thinks he is ill.” And with that…
Sermon • • 22 views
Truth or Consequences (Matthew 21:23-32) Many refuse to acknowledge the truth about Jesus because they fear the consequences. Events from the last Tuesday of Jesus' public ministry reveal this in a striking way. Two days earlier, the city had hailed Him as King. One day before, He had forcefully reformed…
Nathan Pellegra • Sermon • • 386 views
A Different World- 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1 Introduction When I was a kid, I loved watching this show called, “A Different World.” It was a spin-off show from the Cosby Show as it featured Denise Huxtable’s adventures post high school into the college world. And it was a different world for Denise where…