(3 results)
Promises Made, Broken and Renewed
Tim Stagner • Vineyard Church (Springfield, MO) • Sermon • • 24 views • 41:06
The Gospel of Matthew
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 88 views
We need to:
1. Keep the right perspective (vs. 24-25).
2. See how much God values our life (vs. 26).
3. Recognize that worry is a waste (vs. 27).
4. Trust in God's care for us (vs. 26, 28-30).
5. Put first things first (vs. 31-33).
6. Take on trouble one day at a time (vs. 34).
The Gospel of Matthew
Rick Crandall • Sermon • • 45 views
1. Have I measured the value of my life? (vs. 24-26).
2. Have I determined my destiny? (vs. 26).
3. Do I recognize my responsibility before God? (vs. 27).
4. Am I trusting Jesus when I don't understand? (vs. 28).
5. Am I focused on Christ's return? (vs. 27-28).