(11 results)

The Gospel of John
Malcolm Lithgow • Burleigh Church of Christ • Sermon • • 58 views • 40:29
In John 13 we find Jesus sitting down to eat his last meal with his disciples. You'd think he'd be taking the opportunity to really relax and enjoy this time. But instead he jumps up and engages in the most demeaning task imaginable (for the time): washing his disciples' feet. Why? What was the point? Join Malcolm as he unpacks why and how this menial task informs one of the core priorities of Jesus' followers.

A Summer in the Psalms
Pastor Jed Johnston • Sermon • • 767 views • 55:06
Over the years I have had the pleasure of getting to know singer and songwriter Danny Oertli. One of the things I have noticed about many of the songs he writes is that they stem from life events he has gone through. When you understand the events and details of his life you have a new appreciation for…

John 2021-2022
Jason Stuart Percy • Refuge TLH • Sermon • • 42 views • 1:10:26
Jesus washed the disciples feet and said it was an example to them. They were to repeat this type of behavior. He was their Master and Teacher and He was washing their feet. We are asked to esteem others better than ourselves. We who follow Jesus have been shown that our lives are secure in Him and we are, therefore, free to love anyone right now. Anyone. Even our enemy. We are asked by our Messiah to look out not only for our interests but for the interests of others. Jesus enables us to die to ourselves and to live lives beneficial for others. This would certainly be reflected in our marriages, our family relationships, our jobs, our churches, and anywhere else we might find ourselves. Jesus gives us a new commanment, we are to love each other, as His disciples, in the same way that He has loved us. These thoughts were shared by Jason Stuart Percy at Refuge TLH in Tallahassee, FL on Sunday, February 13, 2022.

John 2021-2022
Jason Stuart Percy • Refuge TLH • Sermon • • 31 views • 1:07:35
Jesus frequently used temporal situations to illustrate larger spiritual issues. While many may have skewed understandings of sin and it's consequences, Jesus does not. Jesus is also confident of the God's ability to be in control of all things. Is it offensive to believe that God may allow some difficult thing, some painful thing using such to accomplish soemthing else that He wants? I'm confident there are many things we do not understand. This is where my trust in God lies, in His ability to know and oversee what I simply cannot. Jesus shows his tenderness to those who've been put out by the elite, by the ruling class, as He seeks out the man born blind when he is excommunicated from the Hebrew assembly. Jesus is still pursuing those cast out today. He rescues sinners, after all. That's really good news for me. And for you, unless you think you see already. These thoughts shared by Jason Stuart Percy at Refuge TLH in Tallahassee, FL on Sunday, January 16, 2022.
Are You Ready?
Laron Evans • Sermon • • 8 views
Exodus 19:10–15 (NASB95) 10 The Lord also said to Moses, “Go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their garments; 11 and let them be ready for the third day, for on the third day the Lord will come down on Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people. 12 “You shall set…
Build Your Life
Jeremy Franklin • Sermon • • 5 views
A series on practical righteousness, how to live out the exceeding righteousness of Christ in the life of the Christian: giving, praying, forgiving, fasting, money, seeking/trusting.
Series on Elijah and Elisha
Paul Hawkins • Sermon • • 18 views
Salvation, the need of grace and the prerequisite of humility. God opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble. Confession of sin. Simply wash and be clean.
1 Corinthians
Peter Sample • Calvary Bible Church • Sermon • • 13 views • 43:32
In Christ, we are washed, sanctified, and justified.
Rev. Leonard Reiss • Sermon • • 30 views
As participants in the New Covenant, we can enter into the very presence of God and truly worship.

Will & Jolene Wainwright • Lacey Seventh-day Adventist Church • Sermon • • 32 views • 43:36
Our greatest aspiration is to know Jesus personally! This week take a virtual walk through the Wainwright’s garden as we discuss how lessons in God’s nature and His Sanctuary both are meant to draw us closer to Him. There will be a children’s story and a fun craft that kids can do at home! In preparation for the message meditate on Psalm 77:10-15 and Desire of Ages Ch. 56. Join us Saturday at 11:15 AM for the live stream from Lacey Seventh-day Adventist Church in Lacey, WA.
James (Jim) L. Goforth, Jr • Sermon • • 73 views
That you may Believe and Have Life #36 John 13:6-11 Last week we found ourselves in the borrowed upper room of a friend’s house where Jesus and his disciples are celebrating the Passover together Jesus Christ, while they serving the meal, Jesus got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, wrapped…