(2 results)
Walter Read • Sermon • • 7 views
06/28/2009 Call to the Nation Knox 16 PC 800/375/801 Psalm 72 2 Chronicles 7:11-18 James 4:7-10 | OOPS! Consider these trends: (1) The undermining of the dignity and sanctity of the home. (2) Increasing taxes and spending of public money for welfare and entertainment. (3) The mad craze for pleasure,…
Walter Read • Sermon • • 240 views
05/24/2009 Fruitful Waiting Knox 16 PC 290/814/744 Psalm 5 Hebrews 5:7-10 Mark 1:35-39 | OOPS! William Wilberforce, statesman of Great Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, once said, "I must secure more time for private devotions. I have been living far too public for me. The shortening…