(5 results)
Dr. Soctt Conner • Swift Creek Baptist Church • Sermon • • 13 views • 35:23
Sermon • • 1,027 views
Today I want to invite your attention (if you want to go ahead and turn there) to Mark, the second chapter. I want to look at Jesus' response to a confrontation that He had in this particular occasion with the Scribes and the Pharisees. To set up the reading that we're going to do, which will begin for…
Douglas James Wilson • Sermon • • 6 views
Introduction: When it comes to the difficulties faced by the Church, it has to be admitted that we are frequently our own worst enemy; the other football team walked off the field, and three plays later, we scored. That kind of thing. The Text: “Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the…
Douglas James Wilson • Sermon • • 58 views
Introduction: Pentecost is not only an important event in the history of the Church, but is also one of the key events in the history of the world. Pentecost celebrates something that has happened to the world, and the Scriptures teach that nothing can be done to reverse this. THE TEXTS: /“Then came…
Sermon • • 16 views
Jesus wants us to know that life with him involves radical change. Accepting Jesus is not just a minor add-on to our life; it is not tweaking around the edges. It is something totally and radically new. This message is forcefully present in today’s gospel reading. And we can get behind this message a…