(6 results)
Body Building
Pastor Scott • First Baptist Church of Belmont • Sermon • • 12 views • 45:00
Introduction Spiritual Blessings (v1-14) Paul’s First Prayer (v15-23) You Were Dead, but Now Alive (2:1-10) You were Far Off, but Now Nigh (v11-22) What was Mystery is Now Known (3:1-13) Paul’s Second Prayer (v3:14-21) We began a new phase in Paul’s letter this past Sunday night. The first three chapters…
Colossians: Christ Before All Else
Michael Turner • Jonesboro First Baptist • Sermon • • 26 views • 43:23
Listen Up to the One In Charge!
Mark A Green • Sermon • • 5 views
Introduction Title: This Then is the Gospel Way to Live (Part 1) Title: This Then is the Gospel Way to Live (A Focus on Marriage) Text: Text: Main Idea: Christ’s Rightly Motivated Rules for You Home 1. Christ’s Rules for Wives (vs. 18) 2. Christ’s Rules of Husbands (vs. 19) Introduction Introduction…
Colossians: The Supremacy of Christ
Tyler Hurst • Sermon • • 874 views
Introduction Good morning, A Painful Passage This morning we are going to be in Colossians 3 , beginning in verse 18. And as you find Colossians 3 in your Bibles I want to acknowledge that this message might be painful for some of you. For those of you in a tough spot in your marriage, or in a particular…
Colossians: Jesus is All
Joel Hayworth • Sermon • • 3 views
Introduction Feminist Historian Linda Gordon once shared that, “The nuclear family must be destroyed… Whatever its ultimate meaning, the break-up of families is not an objectively revolutionary process.” The nuclear family has been and is currently under attack in our world. This isn’t anything new -…
Caleb Eissler • Sermon • • 5 views
The end of Colossians tells us how we should treat others. but also why we should treat them in these ways so that we can honor God through these relationships.