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Phases of Our Spiritual Journey
LL Clay • NorthPointe Church of God - Nacogdoches, TX • Sermon • • 17 views • 25:08
After we experience salvation and have studied the Bible for awhile, we begin to ask, "What can I do for God?" Can we receive joy and satisfaction by serving God and others? If so how? Pastor Clay reminds us to not only make sure we do not neglect studying His Word and our time with God, but also to check our motives as we serve. Pastor Clay also shares areas, according to the Bible, we can serve, even if we do not have that "burning bush experience" of God calling us to do something specific.
Sermon • • 303 views
WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? TEXT: I KINGS 19:9-13 INTRO: Transfiguration- Matt. 17. God's prophet Elijah is one of the most interesting persons in the Bible. He comes on the scene like a lion in I Kings 17, during the reign of Ahab and left in similar fashion in the reign of Ahaziah(II Kings 2) While Elijah…