(4 results)
Arthur P. Wolinsky, MD • Sermon • • 24 views
Satan wants to annihilate the Jewish people so there will be no Jew left to call for Yeshua's return.
The Promised Land Covenant
Arthur P. Wolinsky, MD • Sermon • • 24 views
The Lord will keep all His promises to the Jewish people
GLENN PEASE • Sermon • • 27 views
By Pastor Glenn Pease A professor of math once said that if his life depended upon solving a problem in 15 minutes he would spend 10 minutes trying to understand the problem. Understanding is so essential if any problem is going to be brought to a satisfactory solution. Misunderstanding of a problem,…
Pr. Benjamin Tomczak • Sermon • • 27 views
In the beginning, the Christian Church was almost exclusively Jewish. Controversially, the apostles took the Gospel of the Jewish Jesus to non-Jews. Peter goes to Cornelius. Christians scattered by persecution head to Antioch preaching “to Greeks also.” And Paul: apostle to the Gentiles. Over time, the…