(4 results)

Man borne by four
Pastor Joshua O'Neil • ELBC • Sermon • • 27 views • 55:20
Luke 5:17-26
Sometimes in our Christian lives we get sidelined because we have become content, and complacent. Here are four things that we need to help get us back in the game, and live effective Christian lives for God.

Pastor Dean Rhine • Bethel Evangelical Free Church • Sermon • • 22 views • unknown
How do you handle it when people try to attack you? In this week's message, Pastor Dean takes a look at how Jesus handled the Pharisees when they brought a woman to him who was caught in the act of adultery. Through this story, we learn from Jesus' example in preparing for attacks.
Keith Coleman • Sermon • • 54 views
There was once a boxer who was being pummeled in the ring by his opponent. Blow after blow by his adversary left him with a bloody nose, swollen eyes, and an enormous amount of pain. The battered boxer’s trainer, trying to encourage his man between rounds, kept telling him, “You’re doing great, Fred.…
Keith Coleman • Sermon • • 30 views
Spiritual Warfare 2 Why did we do this skit? We are at war and it is time we learn to fight back! There are two sides to being a Christian, one is the wonderful life Christ gives us… The Bible says Christ came to give us life to the full. Christ’s side of Christianity is lovely, healing, power, faith,…