(22 results)

Nicole Shafei • Bethel Church of Tallmadge • Sermon • • 4 views • 41:08

Choosing to Restore in 2024
Floyd Martens • Family Worship Centre • Sermon • • 10 views • 25:26

The gospel of John
Chaplain John Remington • Safe Harbor Church • Sermon • • 21 views • 48:22

The gospel of John
Chaplain John Remington • Safe Harbor Church • Sermon • • 23 views • 47:18
Part 2 of the healing of the man born blind.

Gospel of John
Pastor Loren Decker • Calvary Baptist Church 2939 • Sermon • • 7 views • 45:10
Jesus heals a blind man - a picture of or salvation, we were blind in our sin until God called us to Himself and saved us.

Promise and Fulfillment
ERIC M. WALLACE, PhD • Hope Christian Fellowship • Sermon • • 15 views • 26:09

Neither Barren, Nor Unfruitful
Kendal Rasnake • Church of Christ Green Bay • Sermon • • 36 views • 31:54
Faith is the foundation to which other attributes should be added. What kind of faith do we have? What happens when we don't add the attributes Peter talks about? What is the motivating factor to keep God's commandments?

John 2021-2022
Jason Stuart Percy • Refuge TLH • Sermon • • 31 views • 1:07:35
Jesus frequently used temporal situations to illustrate larger spiritual issues. While many may have skewed understandings of sin and it's consequences, Jesus does not. Jesus is also confident of the God's ability to be in control of all things. Is it offensive to believe that God may allow some difficult thing, some painful thing using such to accomplish soemthing else that He wants? I'm confident there are many things we do not understand. This is where my trust in God lies, in His ability to know and oversee what I simply cannot. Jesus shows his tenderness to those who've been put out by the elite, by the ruling class, as He seeks out the man born blind when he is excommunicated from the Hebrew assembly. Jesus is still pursuing those cast out today. He rescues sinners, after all. That's really good news for me. And for you, unless you think you see already. These thoughts shared by Jason Stuart Percy at Refuge TLH in Tallahassee, FL on Sunday, January 16, 2022.

European Championships
Alastair Duncan • SGT - St George's Tron • Sermon • • 56 views • 31:44
As the first day of our European Championships cycling events draws to a close, Alastair speaks about Zacchaeus and Bartimaeus and how Jesus saw them through the crowds and helped both of them to really see.

Matthew 2019-2020
Jason Stuart Percy • Refuge TLH • Sermon • • 94 views • 1:13:19
The way of Jesus, of His Kingdom, sets us free from the tyrrany of personal vendetta. We are free to forgive and love and help people who hurt us, who wound our pride, and who persecute us, who anger us. We are free to give away what we have knowing that God, who owns everything, is able to provide and protect and repay so that there will always be, in the end, justice, though we may see much injustice around us. God knows. Remember, while being hurt, Jesus neither fought back, nor ran away, rather he absorbed the hurt and forgave those responsible. The Spirit of Jesus is within all those who follow Him, trusting Him, those who've been born from above. LORD, help us to be different than we are. Recorded at Refuge TLH on Sunday, July 14, 2019.

The Book of Acts
Aaron Roeck • Heritage Grace Church • Sermon • • 16 views • 36:10
Passage: Acts 9:1-19. The apostle Paul started out as a murderous persecutor of the early church, but Jesus stopped him and transformed his life from murderer to missionary. If God can save Paul, he can save you.

The Miracles of Jesus in the Gospel Of John
Pastor Randy Bradley • Randy Bradley • Sermon • • 50 views • 27:36
We all face trials and suffering. Some times God uses these things to display His mighty work in the world. When we go through difficulties and lean on God we can grow our faith and display God's Glory to the World.

Camp Meeting 2021
John Bradshaw • Lacey Seventh-day Adventist Church • Sermon • • 37 views • 1:01:10
How do we walk with a Jesus we cannot see? Faith in Jesus requires a power out of and above ourselves. What has God done to ensure we can walk with Jesus in confidence? John Bradshaw, from It Is Written, brings us "Walking With Jesus," his second sermon for this second weekend of Washington Conference Campmeeting. A former radio broadcaster, Elder Bradshaw has also served as a pastor and evangelist and has held over 100 evangelistic series. In Preparation for this message, meditate on Gal. 5:16.
GLENN PEASE • Sermon • • 762 views
By Pastor Glenn Pease F. W. Boreham, the famous Australian preacher, had an instructive experience in St. Paul's Cathedral. He and a friend were looking at Holman Hunt's well known painting, "The Light Of The World." The Savior stands before a closed door with a lantern in His hand, and He is knocking.…
Dr. John Barnett • Sermon • • 616 views
February 22, 2012 By John Barnett Read, print, and listen to this resource on our website One of the greatest works of God in salvation was opening our blind eyes to see. Protecting spiritual sight is the final of the three elements we are to deliberately pursue, according to…
E. Keith Hassell • Sermon • • 52 views
Mentoring Manna: How is your vision? © 2003 Pastor Keith Hassell MM00028 Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” How is your vision? David Yonggi Cho, pastor of the largest church in the world in Seoul, Korea, said about vision: “Show me your vision, and I will show you your future!”…
Tim Widdess • Sermon • • 11 views
John Chapter 9 (NRSV)- The healing of the man born blind Vv1-12 1. Jesus is presumably still in Jerusalem though not in the Temple. The man he saw had been "blind from birth". 2. Sin was still thought to be the cause of suffering by many. They would have explained his blindness in terms of his parents'…
Sermon • • 12 views
Introduction: We are told that every 20 minutes, a person in this nation loses his or her eyesight, going blind completely. Every year 50,000 Americans go blind. Some 20 million people have lost the sight. For most people the thought of going blind is a terrifying thought. A recent pole had been taken…
Sermon • • 16 views
Introduction: I. The Messiah Betrayed, Arrested, and Deserted. A. Four Pictures of Commitment (Matthew 26:47-56) Intro: humanly speaking, this is a tragic scene. Jesus was betrayed, arrested, and deserted within a few minutes. Just imagine facing all three events within so short a time: being betrayed…