(49 results)
Following in the Footsteps of Faith
Jeff Hopson • Fellowship Baptist Church • Sermon • • 130 views • 33:39
Series: Following in the footsteps of Faith The Road Back to Canaan-Genesis 13:1-4 Series Intro : few men, outside of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself have has such an impact on the history of the world as did the man introduced to us in this passage of scripture. This man is revered by over one-half the…
Power Shifts
Greg Woolf • Connect Church • Sermon • • 175 views • 34:38
What do you think of when you hear the word Abundance? Here is my definition to fit my sermon for today. A supply that never runs out. J. Hudson Taylor, a missionary to China once said... “God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supplies.” J. Hudson Taylor, Missionary to China In the books…
Justin Smith • Warwick Baptist Church • Sermon • • 627 views • 44:21
Noah’s Sons from whom the whole earth was dispersed Shem Oldest son ( Gen 10:21 ) Shemites, from where Abraham descended ( Gen 11:10-26 ), eventually Christ (see Lk 3:36 ) Ham Actually, the youngest ( Gen 9:24 ) Most notable here is his son was Canaan Every time Ham is mentioned we get reminded he is…
Judges: A Modern Day Religious Spiral?
Barry G. Johnson, Sr. • Brookfield Church of Christ • Sermon • • 146 views • 32:52
Men must avoid doing evil in the sight of the Lord and not fall prey to the gods around us.
BBBI - OT101.2 - Genesis II
C. Jason Walker • Bible Institute • Sermon • • 263 views • 1:01:12
One chose to walk by faith; the other chose to walk by sight. Which will you be?
BBBI - OT101.2 - Genesis II
C. Jason Walker • Bible Institute • Sermon • • 136 views • 37:33
Introduction: a Back to Basics W hat the foundation is to the house, what the Constitution is to United States law, and what the periodic table of elements is to chemistry, the Book of Genesis is to the Bible. It’s basic. An understanding of the basic truths of Genesis, especially chapters 1–11, will…
BBBI - OT101.2 - Genesis II
C. Jason Walker • Bible Institute • Sermon • • 67 views • 1:03:41
It's never wise to get ahead of God.
BBBI - OT101.2 - Genesis II
C. Jason Walker • Bible Institute • Sermon • • 251 views • 1:06:20
Walking by faith requires us to deal with our flesh.
BBBI - OT101.2 - Genesis II
C. Jason Walker • Bible Institute • Sermon • • 108 views • 1:03:03
God made several promises to Abram. All Abram had to do was believe in God.
The Tabernacle
Guest - Bill Gustafson • CrossWay of Pembroke • Sermon • • 201 views • 39:58
An abbreviated study of the tabernacle.
Mercury Thomas-Ha, PhD • KOGIE True Vision • Sermon • • 43 views • unknown
In this series, Dr. Mercury Thomas-Ha explores the launch, dilemma, and indelible impression of the Trans-Atlantic African Slave Trade on a people. As a result of its historic, physical, and continued psychological impact on Black Americans, the resounding cry reverberates in time, "Let My People Go".
Pastor Alex Jackson • Fresh Church • Sermon • • 22 views • 57:54
Pastor Alex preached a powerful message from the book of Joshua chapter 6. Pastor Alex preached from the text "What's Waiting for Me Beyond the Walls". Pastor Alex challenged us to 1. Know Where our Blessed-Place is, 2. Know What's Blocking You From Entering In, 3. Know What it Takes to Get In.
Listen and Be Encouraged
Book of Genesis
Thomas Harmon • Sermon • • 4 views
We just finished seeing how God promised to never flood the earth again and how He used a Rainbow as a constant reminder to us, to God and to all the earth. You may not realize it but this next portion, gives powerful information for the rest of the old Testament all the way up to the modern world! 18…
HOR Book 8 Studies
Nicholas Chiang King Hung • Sermon • • 8 views
Scripture reading: Ezekiel 20:6 . On that day I swore to them that I would bring them out of the land of Egypt into a land that I had searched out for them, a land flowing with milk and honey, the most glorious of all lands. We have spent the first half of this year studying through book 8 of the History…
The Story of Jepthah
Sean Higgins • Sermon • • 3 views
Point #1: Being used by God does not define your relationship with God. Point #2: Don’t let other’s actions to God influence your own. Point #3: Taking credit for God’s work could lead quickly to dissensions within the Church.
In the Beginning
Mark Edward Gilliland • Sermon • • 9 views
The Human Race Genesis 9:28–29 “After the flood Noah lived 350 years. All the days of Noah were 950 years, and he died.” Acts 17:26 “And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place,” Genesis…
André Felipe da Silva • Sermon • • 302 views
ESTUDO 11 - O CHAMADO DE ABRAÃO Objetivos Preparo: Proposição inicial Introdução Desenvolvimento Deus fala com Abraão Havia um povo chamado Caldeu. Eles moravam numa terra chamada Ur. Na terra chamada Ur havia um homem chamado Abrão. Ele tinha uma esposa chamada Sarai. Abrão também tinha um sobrinho…
André Felipe da Silva • Sermon • • 7 views
ESTUDO 12 - OS FILHOS DE ABRAÃO Objetivos Evidenciar a fidelidade de Deus em suas promessas apesar da pecaminosidade humana. Introduzir o tema do sacrifício substitutivo Preparo: Preparar as figuras relacionadas às histórias de Jacó e Esaú. Proposição inicial Abraão creu nessa palavra, mas não acreditou…
André Felipe da Silva • Sermon • • 2 views
ESTUDO 14 - A BÊNÇÃO ROUBADA Objetivos Tornar os ouvintes cientes de que a mentira e enganação é pecado e tem consequências. Prosseguir no enredo da construção de Israel como povo origem do Messias de Deus. Preparo: Proposição inicial Hoje aprenderemos a história de Jacó quando ele roubou a palavra boa…
André Felipe da Silva • Sermon • • 6 views
ESTUDO 14 - AS BÊNÇÃOS ROUBADAS Objetivos Preparo: Proposição inicial Introdução Desenvolvimento Deus promete 1. Contexto Familiar Gênesis 25:19-28 : Isaque e Rebeca têm dois filhos gêmeos, Esaú e Jacó. Esaú, o primogênito, era caçador e favorito de Isaque, enquanto Jacó, mais pacato, era o favorito…
Dr. Mark A. Barber • Sermon • • 9 views
None of the Children of Israel had experienced the miracle of the miracle at the Red Sea where their forefathers had crossed on dry land. This crossing of Jordan serves as a reminder of the Sovereignty of Yahweh.
André Felipe da Silva • Sermon • • 1 view
ESTUDO 17 - JOSÉ GOVERNA O EGITO Objetivos Introduzir o assunto de graça e perdão Incentivá-los a serem perseverantes na Palavra Muitos abandonam sua fé quando passam por dificuldades. Seu relacionamento com Deus é utilitário e se Deus não dá o que querem o abandonam facilmente. Trabalhar a ideia da…
André Felipe da Silva • Sermon • • 9 views
ESTUDO 12 - OS FILHOS DE ABRAÃO Objetivos Preparo: Proposição inicial Introdução Desenvolvimento Ismael O plano de Sarai Deus havia prometido muitas vezes a Abrão que ele teria filhos e que seria o pai de uma grande nação. Mas, muito tempo se passou a Sarai não ficou grávida. Sarai ficou muito triste…
Exploring Genesis
Aaron Sturgill • Sermon • • 49 views
Introduction If I were to ask you to summarize Noah with two words, would you use “righteous and blameless” or “drunk and naked?” And with that, welcome to another of the many odd stories in the book of Genesis. [Read Genesis 9:18-28] As we wrestle through another awkward story in Genesis, I would like…