(4 results)
Andrew McGarry • Align Ministries • Sermon • • 51 views • 51:08
Joshua 5:13-6:5
Joshua O'Neil • ELBC • Sermon • • 14 views • 38:51
Joshua 5:13-6:5
Joshua takes over as leader of the Israelite nation, and prepares for the conquest of the promised land. In this passage we see three things Joshua does that ensures their victory in the upcoming campaign.
Sermon • • 274 views
note Judges 6-8 Introduction: The story before us begins with Gideon's encounter with God, and it is a picture of our opportunity in this day of crisis and need. The enemy has done and is doing his utmost to bring men and women under his sway, but God calls us to conquest. We are to be the instruments…
Eric B. Newcomer • Sermon • • 1,505 views
I) Spiritual Markers A) File: Joshua 4 to 5 Spiritual Markers.doc B) Audio: Spiritual Markers C) Series: Victory in the Promised Land D) Preached: June 24, 2007. II) The 12 stones: READ 4:1-10, 20-24. A) Actually 24 stones – 2 piles. 1) One, a visible testimony to God’s work. (a) Location is noteworthy:…