(5 results)
Faith Practices
Pastor Nick • Oak Harbor Christian Reformed Church • Sermon • • 22 views
R is for Relinquishing the “Old & Buried” Self. Faith Practices that focus on the call of Jesus to “deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow me”. Self denial is how humans imitate Christ’s “emptying of self” that brought God’s love for the world to life in real time. A specific way to practice denying ourselves is with the faith practice of Secrecy, an active way to engage our dopamine-riddled fixations with approval and image management.
Faith Practices 2023
Pastor Nick • Oak Harbor Christian Reformed Church • Sermon • • 7 views
Focusing on Faith Practices that open us to God, pastor Nick zooms in on the spiritual discipline of self-care. Through this discipline, we will learn and discover a call to be faithful stewards of God's gift of us to us.
Join us as we look into the life habits and words of Jesus to learn about what it really means to take care of ourselves in a way that reflects God's love in and for us.
Faith Practices 2023
Pastor Nick • Oak Harbor Christian Reformed Church • Sermon • • 13 views
Continuing in our acronym, WORSHIP, this week we focus on the type of spiritual disciplines that actively let go of old habits, old ways, of the old and dead person we used to be before Jesus. Pastor Nick zooms into these faith practices by focusing specifically on the spiritual discipline of submission.
Embodied by Christ, expressed in the Godhead, and meant as a mindset that lets go of our need for things to go our way, submission has much more to it than first meets the eye. Join us today!
Faith Practices
Pastor Nick • Oak Harbor Christian Reformed Church • Sermon • • 34 views
A 17th century faith practice first noted in France, Practicing the Presence actively involves God in as much of everyday life as possible, seeking to keep company with Jesus by making ourselves aware of God’s presence in our lives and acting upon this awareness consistently throughout the day.
Faith Practices
Pastor Nick • Oak Harbor Christian Reformed Church • Sermon • • 34 views
Faith practices are intentional attempts at resting and learning the “unforced rhythms of grace” from Jesus. The early church was a picture of believers who shared a desire to go deeper with God, a community characterized by spiritual rhythms that made space in everyday life for him.