(3 results)
The Problem with Christians Is...
Dan Kroon • Willetton Christian Church • Sermon • • 14 views • 26:14
There is a lot of movement happening in our society around the issue of gender, and particularly the demand for equality for women. These challenges are also levelled at the church, which is often seen to be prejudiced and outdated. And there is a lot of fear (in all spheres) around political correctness and avoiding the firing line of cancel culture. But the Christian gospel made radical leaps forward for equality many centuries ago – in fact, right from the beginning. And we believe God has provided a way, not just to accept gender, but to embrace it and celebrate it completely.
Ruth: Singleness, Relationships, and more
Kenneth Martinez • Sermon • • 20 views • 40:06
Boaz commits to resolve the legal situation of Ruth after the interesting time they had in the field. He promises he will find a redeemer for her, though maybe he secretly wants to ensure he is that person. As we study the legal transaction that takes place in the gates of the city, we can learn principles about marriage and singleness.
Moving Forward
Pastor Edward Brooks • China Grove Community Church • Sermon • • 32 views • 1:02:28
1. Preaching happens at the CHURCH.
V. Acts 2:40,41
2. Relationships happens at the CHURCH.
V. Acts 2:42-45
3. Discipleship happens at the CHURCH.
V. Acts 2:46,47