(7 results)
Romans Series
John DeVries • The Christian Reformed Church of St. Joseph • Sermon • • 9 views • 44:43
What does persevering faith look like? Five central aspects of this passage help us to fully understand the answer and to understand how it applies to our lives today.
1 John
Richard Peskett • Nelspruit Bible Church • Sermon • • 23 views • 1:06:58
In love John writes to believers to give them assurance of their salvation using a test of deeds produced by a changed heart: Do you love your brothers in Christ or not? He also gives great motivation to keep loving the imperfect saints he has placed us with: meditate on the perfect love of our Saviour in laying down His life for our redemption.
1 John
Nelspruit Bible Church • Sermon • • 21 views • 1:00:07
John continues in his letter to reassure believers of their salvation and reveal for those who think they believe but are not truly saved marks in their life that tell what their true spiritual condition is. This time he points people to these tests: Are you loving the saints? Are you praying confidently?; are you obeying God because you love Him?; Are you trusting Christ?; Are you spiritually alive?
Dominic Avila • Grace Church Monterey Bay • Sermon • • 31 views • 51:20
Rusty Russell • Sermon • • 8 views
ATTENTION It’s a great and amazing invention, but it also is one of the great abusers of our time. It victimizes many. It’s the internet and one of its greatest victims is . . . the Truth! In fact let me give what one person says is some of the top lies told on the internet, especially in social networks:…