(3 results)
Strong in Grace
Robert Krause • Serenissima Ministries • Sermon • • 22 views • 50:47
Theme: Our exile life is rooted in God. Peter tells us how to be strong in grace, how to live out the Christian life. It is better to be "out" of this world and know God's grace than to be celebrated by this world and never see Heaven. Being an immigrant for God, wherever you are, is a glorious thing!
Pastor Nick • Oak Harbor Christian Reformed Church • Sermon • • 22 views
In this second session of the Ruth series, Pastor Nick continues to exegete the book of Ruth from the second chapter. Discussing topics like "illegal immigrants", marginalization, exploitation and patriarchy, we will discover there is so much more going on underneath the surface. Join in today to discover a God that isn't absent in the background, but at work in the khesed of even the least likely people.
The Roots of Royal Redemption
Pastor Nick Welch • Grace Community Presbyterian Church • Sermon • • 26 views • 36:08