(8 results)
Brian Schmucker • Sermon • • 7 views
Uniformity and Catastrophe (the effect of geological uniformitarianism on Christian theology) (Week 6 of SBTS 28960) A. Biblically, the Flood was a global event (it could not have been a regional or local flood): 1. The Bible describes the Flood with universal terms, which argue for the universality…
Brian Schmucker • Sermon • • 94 views
Instantaneous Creation (Week 1 of SBTS 28960) A. Creation Week: Instantaneous vs. Six Days (the affect of the Greek definition of time on theology). 1. Prior to the 18th century the dominant understanding of the Hebrews and the (lay) church was that the Creation Week of Genesis One was 6, 24-hour days…
Brian Schmucker • Sermon • • 20 views
Biological Evolution (Week 7 of SBTS 28960) A. Biblically, 1. humans and a variety of plants and a variety of animals came to be in the course of a single week of time a. The Creation Week of Genesis 1 involved 6 earth-rotation days of time (see the argument in the ‘Deep Time and Theodicy’ discussion)…
Brian Schmucker • Sermon • • 38 views
Deep Time and Theodicy (Week 5 of SBTS 28960) A. Biblically, it would seem that moral and natural evil did not precede, but came as a result of man’s sin: 1. ‘Before’ the creation there was only God. Since there was no evil in God there was no evil of any sort; since there was no physical world there…
Brian Schmucker • Sermon • • 19 views
Man’s Status (aka Centrality and Uniqueness of Man) (theology in relation to heliocentric theory, anthropic principle, and extraterrestrials) (Weeks 2 & 3 of SBTS 28960) A. Biblically, humans 1. have little about which to boast – either in attributes or physical makeup: a. In many respects, humans are…
Brian Schmucker • Sermon • • 11 views
Absolutes and Relativism (the affect of relativity theory on theology) (Week 9 of SBTS 28960) A. Biblically, 1. God, God’s attributes, and God’s word are absolutes: a. Something can be absolute in the sense of being completely independent (= self-existent, uncreated, without need of sustaining): God…
Brian Schmucker • Sermon • • 16 views
Healing and Disease (the affect of medicine on theology) (Week 8 of SBTS 28960) Questions of interest: Does the Bible teach that disease is caused by demons (which belief some have argued delayed the development of modern medicine)? Has the success of modern medicine demonstrated that there is no spiritual…
Brian Schmucker • Sermon • • 16 views
Sustenance, Natural Law, and Miracle (Week 4 of SBTS 28960) A. Biblically, God is directly and actively responsible for the regular course of the physical world – sustaining the creation (Col. 1:17; Heb. 1:3), apparently according to the ‘ordinances of heaven and earth’ (Jer. 33:25). God is (directly)…