(3 results)
Pastor Josh Plantholt • Calvary Baltimore • Sermon • • 23 views • 40:46
In the last days, God gathers together the 144,000 to accomplish his will before the earth will be destroyed. We can learn from the qualities of these mighty men of God!
Acts Series
John DeVries • The Christian Reformed Church of St. Joseph • Sermon • • 15 views • 40:47
It is essential in every age that God's people have good leadership. What is good church leadership, what are the proper activities of church leadership, and what must be true of the church leaders we select?
Ernest Deporto • Sermon • • 974 views
Understanding Victory Outreach Principles and Values*Defined: Values—has to do with something’s worth, importance, usefulness; In our case these values motivate us and give us the reasons why we do what we do. Victory Outreach thinks that people are valuable because they are created in the “image of…