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Messages fro Prophets
Dan Taylor • Hope Baptist Church • Sermon • • 8 views • 33:14
Amos 7:1-17
God has a standard and it is revealed to us through His Word. Just as Amos instructed Israel, we must be repentant, holy, and steadfast. If we aren't then we will succomb to the world and receive God's wrath.
Paul Hawkins • Sermon • • 18 views
Nahum 3 (part2) Lesson of history: (8-10) [v.8]Who is no better than No-Amon? - Nineveh. We need to remember that this prophecy is not against God's people but against Nineveh which was the capital of the cruel, aggressive, wealthy empire of Assyria which had taken over nearly the whole world. I have…
Paul Hawkins • Sermon • • 24 views
Amos 7. Intro - Sometimes feel like coming across as a prophet of doom, like an angry young man, preaching all these messages of judgement – much nicer to preach a pleasant message, to encourage and build up. That is the very reason these books are less well known: we seek out that which is pleasant…
Paul Hawkins • Sermon • • 32 views
JOEL 2:1-17. A. ? Locust Plague. [OHP1] - Recap (terrible locust plague picturing coming judgment) Read [OHP2] - insects, army, ? something more - God’s instrument of judgment - Egypt (picture of judgment to come) - read a lot of Scripture so the picture you have is that from God’s word, not my imagination:…
Paul Hawkins • Sermon • • 30 views
JOEL CH.1. Intro: - Joel ch.1 - minor prophet, after major - not less important, but shorter. Easier to cover whole book and contain message for the time near the end. - What if your whole income for a year was taken from you - how would you respond? This is the situation in Joel. - Economy based on…