(7 results)
The Gospel of John
Chaplain John Remington • Safe Harbor Church • Sermon • • 15 views • 47:27
John 13:31-38 Jesus gives a new commandment. Old Testament teaching is loving others as yourself (Lev 19:18) but I say to love others as I have loved you (more than myself).
The Gospel of John
Chaplain John Remington • Safe Harbor Church • Sermon • • 43 views • 45:48
Jesus exhorts us to believe in Him then He commands us to love and shows us how. Belief in Jesus should produce love. Love will produce fruit including both repentance and obedience.
Mark 2020-2021
Jason Stuart Percy • Refuge TLH • Sermon • • 36 views • 1:03:37
What is the greatest of God's Commandments? Jesus identifies this One Great Command in Moses' Law and links a 2nd Command to it permanently. Love God with everything and Love your neighbor as yourself. Sometimes we, to our detriment, twist the 2nd command into a self-centered diatribe about learning to love ourselves rather than focusing on the point of the command, and of love in general, that we are to live sacrificially thinking of others as greater than ourselves. Indeed, the great Christian life is the life of a servant-hearted lover of others. Jesus teaches the scribes that the Hebrew Messiah, the Christ, was to be greater than King David, not simply one of his descendants. Jesus warns the people to beware of the scribes whose preference was their own honor. Finally, we are reminded that God doesn't need money. He already owns everything. How we share is far more important than how much we share. Shared by Jason Stuart Percy at Refuge Tallahassee on Sunday, March 14, 2021.
Big Ideas of the Bible
John Shearer • Monterey Living Hope Church of the Nazarene • Sermon • • 120 views • 29:03
God's Laws and the Order that He creates are to guide us in learning HOW to love God and to love our neighbors.
1 John
Rev. Bruce Goettsche • Union Church of La Harpe Illinois • Sermon • • 368 views
This week we will observe Valentine’s Day (a little reminder to the men). For some reason (our tax dollars at work), the US Census Bureau has the official statistics about this day of love. According to stats 65% of households exchange greeting cards (180 Million cards will be exchanged) 44% have a date…
Jeremy Stephens • Sermon • • 28 views
1) 8-16-09…AM…SBC 2) “Proper Priorities” Mark 12:28-34 Introduction: 1- This incredible text comes at the hand of God’s providence – VBS Theme and Lesson 2a in Lamplighters 2- I believe that God has an important reason from drawing to these principles for the 3rd time in 7 days 3- All of God’s Word is…
stan christopherson • Sermon • • 899 views
One of my favorite shows on TV is Mythbusters. On this show, they take urban legends or wives tales and try to see if they’re actually true or not. For example, most of us have probably heard that if you ever have an accident and your car ends up in the water, you’re supposed to wait until the car fills…