(4 results)
Studies in Nehemiah
Dr. CJ Walker • Broomfield Baptist • Sermon • • 778 views • 1:07:08
Nehemiah comes back to clean house and cleanse God’s people from sin.
Pastor Cherry Geo. Smith, III • BFC • Sermon • • 12 views • 1:01:24
If God's plan, even as far back as Ruth, included outsiders, then we too can do a better job and how we treat others who appear to us to be outsiders. Christians are notorious for judging and ostracizing others, rather than being open to learn from others as well as impart to them as well. This message wreaks for GRACE in its purest form. Take a listen!
The Gospel According to Moses
Pastor Glenn • Grace United Family Church • Sermon • • 16 views • 39:23
What does the word "holy" do to your heart and mind when you hear it? Does it conjure up pictures in your mind and emotions that are unpleasant? Or is "holy" a beautiful thing? The God Christians worship is the Only True and living God. He is the high and holy One. Holiness is a high thing, repugnant to man's sinful nature. How can sinful people learn to embrace holiness and love the One who IS holy? Come with the Grace United crew we discover the beauty of, and necessity for, holiness among God's people.
Frank Walker • Sermon • • 804 views
Nehemiah was an exceptionally faithful servant of God — a man devoted to continual prayer and obedience to the Lord. That was evident when he first heard about the deteriorated condition of Jerusalem and when Sanballat and Tobiah tried to frustrate his rebuilding efforts. We see his faithfulness again…