(6,116 results)

Keith Larson • Greene Valley Presbyterian Church • Sermon • • 93 views • 32:19
In my preparation for this series on the Ten Commandments I have come to the sad realization that it is not sufficient for me to preach upon how we obey each of the Ten Commandments, but why we should obey them. Increasingly, people who claim fidelity to God and His Word derive their morality from society…

Keith Larson • Greene Valley Presbyterian Church • Sermon • • 56 views • 23:49
In our series on the Ten Commandments, we are ready for the Sixth Commandment, which says, “ You shall not murder .” ( Deut 5:17 ). As I was preparing for that message, and remembering that we would be celebrating Communion today, I could not help but think of Hebrews 12:24 . This verse compares the…

Sermon on the Mount
Matt Haywood • Bethlehem Baptist Church • Sermon • • 45 views • 34:37
Introduction: This morning, we have a lot to cover, so we want to jump right into the text. Look with me in your Bible to Matthew 5 . Let’s stand as we read together our text from vv. 21-26. 21 “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable…

The Big 10
Aaron Baldridge • First Free Will Baptist Church • Sermon • • 59 views • 24:40
Introduction The ancient Romans may also be responsible for the name of our modern day of love. Emperor Claudius II executed two men — both named Valentine — on Feb. 14 of different years in the 3rd century A.D. Their martyrdom was honored by the Catholic Church with the celebration of St. Valentine's…

Genesis 1-11
Paul Redding • Northwood Community Bible Church • Sermon • • 36 views • 52:09
Genesis 4 Read v 1-7 A “sinned and fallen short” family Adam and Eve’s sin Sin passed down to generations ( Gen 5:3 - made in the image of Adam) Pleasing Sacrifice Abel the rancher Cain the farmer ? Is blood sacrifice the issue? or attitude? Abel’s sacrifice was acceptable to God Cain’s sacrifice was…

Dr. Brian M. Carmichael Sr. • Holy Temple M.B. Church • Sermon • • 424 views • 1:07:11
In 2002, a movie came out that was based Alexandre Dumas’ classic novel. A very trusting young man, Edmond Dantés, whose best friend, Fernand (Guy Pearce), falsely frames him for treason. In prison, Dantes endured a yearly thrashing with a whip from the warden. As Edmond Dantes rotted in his concrete…

Genesis 1-11
Paul Redding • Northwood Community Bible Church • Sermon • • 22 views • 48:55
Genesis 4 Read v 1-7 A “sinned and fallen short” family Adam and Eve’s sin Sin passed down to generations ( Gen 5:3 - made in the image of Adam) Pleasing Sacrifice Abel the rancher Cain the farmer ? Is blood sacrifice the issue? or attitude? Abel’s sacrifice was acceptable to God Cain’s sacrifice was…

Jon Gruss • Allegan Bible Church • Sermon • • 1,109 views • 39:04
David flees but where does he find escape?

Jon Gruss • Allegan Bible Church • Sermon • • 97 views • 38:55
No amount of dodging and trying to justify your secret sin will ever make it right in God’s eyes

The Gospel According to Mark
Kenn Chipchase • Pillar Fellowship • Sermon • • 26 views • 49:39
“You can pick your actions, or you can pick your consequences, but you can never pick both” This was the central idea of a lecture on ethics I heard a while back. You can pick your actions, or you can pick your consequences, bur you can never pick both. The central idea is this: If you are picking your…

Pastor Cal Callison • HOPE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP • Sermon • • 16 views • 42:45
I Timothy 1:12-20 Scripture Reader: A.J. Katzberg Introduction Good morning once again to you. We are in the second week of our exploration of the first letter of Paul to the young pastor Timothy at the church in Ephesus. Each time I get into this letter I get more and more excited about what God has…

Collin Seitz • CityLight Community Church Linkou • Sermon • • 27 views • 46:13
“You have heard that it was said to our ancestors, Do not murder , and whoever murders will be subject to judgment. But I tell you, everyone who is angry with his brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Whoever insults his brother or sister, will be subject to the court. Whoever says, ‘You fool!’…

Sermon on the Mount
Chase Knudsen • Red Bluff Bible Church • Sermon • • 3,240 views • 36:01
Murder. anger, pride, selfishness all have malice in common. These sins and many more cut the heart off from pure motives focused on the Lord. Our prayer today is that as you listen to this message, you lay any burdens down that are holding you back from a life of freedom in Christ and a heart that is set aside only for God. Only God can take a dirty heart and make it clean.

Chris Pawlowski • Dishman Baptist Church • Sermon • • 33 views • 43:25
Good morning and welcome to Dishman Baptist Church. It is a joyful morning and a beautiful time to be with you all and studying God’s Word together. Please take your Bibles and open them with me to Mark 15 , Mark 15 . We have come to the day on the calendar that tradition holds as being Palm Sunday.…

Acts: To The End of The Earth
Josh Slater • First Baptist Church of Louise • Sermon • • 59 views • 34:12
Amazing Grace Intro The Song we just listened to is called Rescue Story Written and Sung by Zack Williams. Zack was born into a Christian Home with parents that tried to teach him the gospel and live it out in their lives. His parents were part of the worship ministry at the church they attended. He…

Marlon Valladares • Westlake Community Baptist Church • Sermon • • 53 views • 40:36
11 For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. 12 We should not be like Cain, who was of the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own deeds were evil and his brother’s righteous. 13 Do not be surprised, brothers,…

Joel Adkins • Westbrook Park United Methodist Church • Sermon • • 44 views • 33:44
Interrupted Life 1 And when he returned to Capernaum after some days, it was reported that he was at home. Home… of Peter and Andrew? Or himself? Not sure. 2 And many were gathered together, so that there was no more room, not even at the door. And he was preaching the word to them. The crowds had followed.…

Discovering the Church
Barry G. Johnson, Sr. • Brookfield Church of Christ • Sermon • • 150 views • 28:30
Reasons why people murder and don't believe the Gospel.

Brandon Long • Sermon • • 68 views • 1:05:09
HOOK – If there is one symbol that fully represents Christianity, what do you think it would it be? The cross of course. But if you take a step back and really ponder that, it’s quite unsettling. Crosses are very domesticated in our culture. Celebrities wear million-dollar gold encrusted cross necklaces.…

Unmasking the Villains of your Heart
David Thomas • FHCC • Sermon • • 177 views • 37:57
About 2 weeks ago we noticed that our dog was acting very lethargic and appeared to be in pain as she was hesitant to climb up on her window bench but preferred to rest in her kennel. As I called the vet and set up an appointment to be seen. Ann and I discussed “keeping her comfortable”, which is code…

Pastor Ethan Kallberg • Lamoille Valley Grace Brethren Church • Sermon • • 62 views • 35:09
2 Corinthians 9:15 ; Romans 1:8–11 ; 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Introduction A. We have much for which to Thank God B. Thanksgiving with Paul. Imagine he came to your house for the Thanksgiving meal. {describe setting, table, food, etc.} What the conversation at the table be? Body A. Paul Thankful for Christ…

In the Beginning
Justin Smith • Warwick Baptist Church • Sermon • • 1,921 views • 46:07
Initial Observations Eve’s proclamation at Cain’s birth shows that there was still hope in the relationship between God and man. Just like in the Garden…sin has a progression Sin started with a bad decision and grew with a series of more bad decisions. Bad worship Bad response to the situation(anger)…

Mike Lehman • Abiding Faith Bible Church • Sermon • • 55 views • 42:55
If you were with us when we began our trek through the book of Galatians - HOPEFULLY, having been outside of Galatians through the month of May... remember the apostle Paul calling the Galatians to - BE WHO THEY HAD BECOME…! To recap where we left off in our journey through Galatians... Let’s…

Marcos R Ferreira • Galion Alliance Church • Sermon • • 43 views • 33:11
32 And what more shall I say? For time would fail me to tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets— 33 who through faith conquered kingdoms, enforced justice, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, 34 quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword,…

Pastor Brock • Sermon • • 24 views • 1:00:15
Good Question As we begin this year a good question to ask of the LORD is what must I do to live out the Kingdom. As we begin our 21 Days of prayer and fasting, I would encourage you to make part of your prayers this question, this seeking of God, “what must I do?” What are you asking of me God? What…