(17 results)
1 Timothy
Samuel E. P. Lindsay • Flooding Creek (FCCC) • Sermon • • 7 views • 42:44
Intro As an experiment, I went to see what churches are looking for in a Pastor. So I found some job listings for evangelical churches, and i had a look at their character qualifications. Listen to what this church is looking for in their next pastor: I want you to take note of what this says, and we’ll…
1 Peter
Steve Hereford • Eastport Baptist Church • Sermon • • 87 views • 1:01:04
INTRODUCTION We come now to the Word of God and our study in 1 Peter The culmination of our worship this morning brings us to the Word of our Creator Let me invite you to take your Bible and turn with me to 1 Peter 5 Read 1 Peter 5:1-4 1 Therefore, I exhort the elders among you, as your fellow elder…
Life as the church-Book of 1 Timothy
James Rogers • West Side Church of Christ • Sermon • • 362 views • 1:06:58
Life as the church The purpose of the book (1Tim3:15) is for the conduct of the church. As you have seen already in this series it is chock-full of instructions for life as the church. 15 but in case I am delayed, I write so that you will know how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God,…
Samuel E. P. Lindsay • Flooding Creek (FCCC) • Sermon • • 48 views • 41:35
Introduction & Recap The Need for Good Leaders You know it. I know it. We need good leaders. We need good leaders. You want your kids school to have a good principal. You want your manager at work to be a great leader. You want our mayor, premier and prime minister to be really good at their job and…
What is the church?
Jonathan Anderson • Faith Baptist Church • Sermon • • 1,011 views • 41:19
If the biblical evidence argues for a congregational polity, that is- the evidence in the NT shows the church as a whole, or the congregation making all the decisions in the church, then were does that leave the authority of the pastor? How can a pastor lead or shepherd the flock, if the flock is the…
Missio Dei Gospel Reflection
Deacon Mark Mueller • Sermon • • 6 views
The Church, and especially its Bishops, with all their sins, weaknesses, and failings is the continuation of the Seventy-two and their mission. Note the parallels with what Jesus tells the disciples and, by extension, the Church in Matthew 28:
Jonathan Burris • Sermon • • 16 views
Guidance to a church looking for a pastor.
House Rules: 1 Timothy
Chad Wilham • Sermon • • 9 views
Introduction: In our passage this morning, Paul has moved from discussing the role of women in the church to dealing with those who hold the office of Bishop (overseer). The word bishop is a word that has come to carry a lot of religious institutional baggage in our day, but, in the new testament it…
1 Peter
David Krueger • Sermon • • 33 views
Elders are to shepherd the flock of God.
1 Peter
Steve Hereford • Eastport Baptist Church • Sermon • • 13 views • unknown
How is a man called to be a pastor of a church? What qualifies him to lead? Join Pastor Steve as he looks at 1 Peter 5:1 and 1 Timothy 3:1-3.
Eldership Qualifications
Nate Bibens • Sermon • • 12 views
An introduction to a new series about the Biblical qualifications for elders. This lesson should provide an introduction to the lists found in 1 Tim. 3 and Titus 1. It should also provide an overview of the purpose of these qualifications, as well as a discussion about how we approach and use them. Finally, this lesson should review the first qualification: "Above Reproach"
What is the church?
Jonathan Anderson • Sermon • • 21 views
The biblical description of pastoral authroity in a NT church, and how that authority functions with congregational rule
Shawn Bumpers • Sermon • • 23 views
Introduction** The Book of Acts closes with Paul in prison in Rome. Paul probably arrived there about 59 a.d. The Book of Acts closes with Paul imprisoned in Rome. Most commentators feel that he arrived there ( ) about a.d. 59. Paul was kept under very lenient restraint. He had his own rented home, and…
Book of Acts
Hessel Keuter • IBCD • Sermon • • 25 views • 40:00
A study of Acts 20:13-38 taught by Hessel Keuter at the International Baptist Church of Debrecen. Visit us at for online studies through the Bible.
1 Peter
Chad Williams • Parkers Lake Baptist Church • Sermon • • 20 views
As we continue in our study through 1 Peter, we come to a text that exhorts church members, both elders and non-elders alike, to function together in the church body in humility toward one another. Whether or not you hold an official office in our church body, listen ready to be challenged by the Word toward a heart attitude that rejects worldly thinking and seeks to model the humility of our Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ.
DDr. Norbert Strotmann • Sermon • • 356 views
+ Norberto Strotmann ¿Y, después de Aparecida, QUÉ? Hasta el inicio de la V Conferencia de Aparecida[1], todas las expectativas y miradas eclesiales están centradas en ella y en el Documento final que saldrá como conclusión; pero la realidad religiosa y social latinoamericana no va a cambiar durante…