(10 results)

Encounters - Transformational Conversations with Jesus
Phil Anderson • Bethel Church of Tallmadge • Sermon • • 14 views • 42:54

Courageous: Living by Faith in Fearful Times
Andrew Fix • Sermon • • 14 views • 52:57
Life can present some pretty big challenges to overcome, just ask the people of Israel standing at the brink of a flooded Jordan River! Find out what all is entailed in taking a step of faith, and be prepared to watch God work.

Aaron Little • Byers Assembly • Sermon • • 7 views • 56:46

Man borne by four
Pastor Joshua O'Neil • ELBC • Sermon • • 27 views • 55:20
Luke 5:17-26
Sometimes in our Christian lives we get sidelined because we have become content, and complacent. Here are four things that we need to help get us back in the game, and live effective Christian lives for God.

Neither Barren, Nor Unfruitful
Kendal Rasnake • Church of Christ Green Bay • Sermon • • 41 views • 30:06
We are to add knowledge to our virtue. This lesson looks at 1) Knowledge is Required, 2) Purposes of Knowledge, and 3) Common Obstacles to Knowledge.
Rev. Bruce Goettsche • Union Church of La Harpe Illinois • Sermon • • 2,884 views
Our study of Joshua has been titled, “Overcoming the Obstacles of Life”. We have been looking at the various obstacles that Israel faced in order to learn principles that can help us with mountains that stand before us. These obstacles come in various forms. Physical handicaps and diseases Tragic losses…
Rev. Bruce Goettsche • Union Church of La Harpe Illinois • Sermon • • 2,643 views
Life is filled with challenges. It’s just the way it is. You can’t know victory unless you have faced the challenge of defeat. You won’t appreciate joy until you have endured heartache. You will not understand compassion until you have needed it from another. How we face the challenges of life will determine…
James Huffman • Sermon • • 1,003 views
Overcoming Obstacles Num. 13:1,2; 13:18-32 EBC Sunday School 1/18/09 One of the tools that Satan has much victory with is the tool of obstacles. Merriam Webster Dictionary defines obstacles as to stand in the way of or to stand in front of, to impede progress. How many obstacles have you faced this past…
Sermon • • 1,026 views
Thomas S. Myers OVERCOMING OBSTACLES BY FAITH Exodus 17 & Numbers 20 In 1969 our nation performed an incredible task. It sent a group of men to walk on the moon. It takes a great deal of energy to creak the barrier of gravity and to send a space ship to the moon and back. There is also a barrier that…
Brad Shockley • Sermon • • 166 views
Intro: There’s something about men and mountains. As long as their have been mountains, there have been men who’ve tried to climb them, sometimes at great cost. We all know the tallest mountain in the world is Mt. Everest. 28,000 feet of snow and ice and danger. Dozens of men have lost their lives trying…