(3 results)
The History of the Reformation - Part 2 of 5
Ed Dingess • Sermon • • 62 views
The Beginning of the Protestant Reformation
Pr. Benjamin Tomczak • Sermon • • 59 views
You know, or perhaps you don’t, that today’s Gospel literally defines the pope. It is his raison d’etre, his reason for being. So foundational does the pope find Matthew 16, that he inscribed it in seven foot high letters around the dome of his home church, St. Peter’s in Rome. Craning your neck, turning…
Pr. Benjamin Tomczak • Sermon • • 11 views
Luther wasn’t right to hate God, but He was right to fear God’s wrath. If you’re not in Christ, then you’re under God’s wrath, and God’s wrath is a terrible thing. To fall into the hands of the living God is a dreadful thing, Hebrews says. Ananias and Sapphira dropped dead. The earth swallowed up Korah,…