(8 results)
Monkey Business
Pastor Mike Gonzalez • Sermon • • 32 views • 46:31
Restoration Christian Church
Matthew 2019-2020
Jason Stuart Percy • Refuge TLH • Sermon • • 166 views • 1:06:22
God, Creator of All, designed the marriage of a man to a woman for both their lifetimes to reveal His glory and character and to establish order in human society beginning with the home, the smallest unit of natural human governance. Our desparately wicked hearts draw us away from God at heartbreaking speed and in tragic realities with severe consequences personally and in our society. God rescues sinners when they trust Him, believing that Jesus died for their sin, that He was buried, and that He was raised from the dead and is alive now both receiving and coming to live in those who've laid their hope, their confidence in Him rather than in themselves. Now, having been brought into His Kingdom by faith, He sets before us a new way to live, the way of His Kingdom and He is alive with us and in us to help us to walk in His Way! Where sin abounds... grace abounds so much more! Take joy in the God who saves sinners like you and I! Recorded at Refuge TLH on Sunday, June 30, 2019.
1 Peter
Justin Howe • Sermon • • 15 views • 39:56
What does a life worth living look like?
Challenges Young People Face
Jason A. Smith • Sermon • • 1,552 views
I give a biblical perspective on pornography, focusing on lust and sensuality. Then I give some tips on how to overcome temptation to look at porn.
Pastor Josh Plantholt • Calvary Baltimore • Sermon • • 47 views • 45:31
Just as God has a plan for our lives, Satan has goals for us: to divide our focus from God in favor of worshiping self, or worshiping another god. To this end, Satan has many tactics up his sleeve, involving many kinds of sin... some obvious, some more subtle. As a God of mercy, the Lord desires all to be saved, and actively pursues us when we go astray, sometimes allowing trials to turn us back to Him, and sometimes using other Christians. We are his hands and feet!
ReachMTL Young Adults Series - Body Matters: A Conversation with our Hyper-Sexualized, Pornified, Pleasure-Drunk Culture
Dustin Boreland • Reach Montreal • Sermon • • 16 views • 48:10
Dr. John Barnett • Sermon • • 154 views
March 5, 2012 BY John Barnett Read, print and listen to this resource on our website Today we have gathered to celebrate the greatest possession we have as fallen and sinful humans. The God of the Universe so loved us that He sent His Son to set us free, wash us and remove the…