(6 results)
Rev. Derek Geldart • McKees Mills Baptist Church • Sermon • • 11 views • 32:38
The following sermon is going to encourage you to be good stewards of everything God has loaned you can be accomplished by heeding Peter’s “exhortations that we fill our lives with prayer, love, hospitality, and the exercise of our spiritual gifts!”
Robert Cote • Sermon • • 8 views
Money Moves the Ministry Phil. 4:15-18 Reported giving to the local church 9% of born again Christians tithed their income to churches in 2004. The average cumulative donations to churches by evangelicals totaled $2097. For evangelicals, cumulative donations totaled $2097. (2000) Among the born again…
Sermon • • 15 views
Scripture Portion: 1 Peter 4: 1-11 God calls us His servants, but He also calls us His stewards. There must therefore be a distinction between a servant and a steward. A servant is one who serves (Romans 1:9), or a worker (Matthew 9:37). A steward is a servant but in the word ‘steward’ there is the added…
Robert Cote • Sermon • • 79 views
Stewards of Our Testimony Romans 12:1 In the stewardship of our testimony we are compelled by the Word of God to assess our lives in three areas. I. To present our bodies a living sacrifice. Henry Martyn had already done more than his share of missionary service in India when he announced he was going…
Robert Cote • Sermon • • 88 views
Family Stewardship Esther 2:5-9; 4:13-14 I. The Stewardship of Our Families Requires Prayer. A. Prayer of faith. 1. Leaving it with God. 2. Not micro-managing the process. B. Prayer of acceptance. 1. Accepting what God’s will is. 2. Accepting the responsibility. II. The Stewardship of Our Families Requires…
Robert Cote • Sermon • • 12 views
Time Stewardship Matthew 8:18-22 I. Consider What You Are Following After and Why. Many faithful disciples have adjusted their life’s schedule in order to please God. As the apostle Paul says in 1 Cor.10:23 “all things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient.” Example: 1110 Jonathan Edwards’…