(4 results)
Federico Medina Jr. • Sermon • • 25 views
Usually I have a little biography of the Saint of the Day and then I give a reflection on the readings. Tonight both topics actually come together very well. Therese was born in France in 1873, the pampered daughter of a mother who had wanted to be a saint and a father who had wanted to be monk. The…
Sermon • • 5 views
Lent is drawing to a close. Ten days from now we will be in the midst of Holy Week, recalling the events of the last few days and final hours of Jesus’ human life. Perhaps some of us feel a little bit like the children of Israel, our patience worn out by our Lenten journeys, tempted, like them, to grumble…
Sermon • • 720 views
In today’s gospel Jesus chides the scribes and Pharisees for their hypocrisy. As Jesus said they preach the law but do not practice it. We must understand that we preach more by our actions than our words. In the Pharisees misguided zeal for religion they sought respect and honor for themselves rather…
Sermon • • 301 views
Today’s gospel speaks to us about timing and excuses. The scene at the healing pools of Bethesda is one of futility for our central character. Timing was everything at the pool---when the waters stirred in a certain way, it was time to get in and receive God’s healing touch. But this poor man we are…