(7 results)

PST. (DR). F. O. OLORUNFEMI • HOPE ALIVE CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY • Sermon • • 13 views • 49:55

Rodger Bradley • Church on the Rock Pascagoula • Sermon • • 32 views
Have you ever argued past the point of no return. Even if you knew it was better to just close your mouth, something in you just kept jabbering. There are times when we think we may be winning, but in fact, we're just causing problems down the road. Let's Talk!
Apostle T. K. Grant, D.D. • Oasis of Faith • Sermon • • 115 views • 1:01:25
Dave McNeff • Sermon • • 17 views
Introduction – Some discouraged soul wrote the following limerick: God’s plan made a hopeful beginning, But man spoiled his chances by sinning. We trust that the story Will end in God’s glory, But, at present, the other side’s winning. Sure seems that way, doesn’t it? But I have good news this morning.…
GLENN PEASE • Sermon • • 21 views
By Pastor Glenn Pease Determining the superiority of either side in either conflict is difficult since the decisive factor in gaining a victory is often hidden. This was certainly the case when the Spanish Armada sailed against England. It was one of the greatest fleets ever assembled, and the Spanish…
Wm. Ashley Butler • Sermon • • 28 views
Declaring The Gospel Acts 13:26-32 The name 'church' on a sign post or over the door of a building does not guarantee that the Gospel of Christ is being declared from that particular pulpit or the classrooms. The name 'Baptist' does not guarantee the declaration of the Gospel. Most of the churches in…
Sermon • • 102 views
1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Stephen Caswell © 2002 The Story of John Landy In 1960 there was a famous race in Canada between two great runners. The four minute mile recently been broken by both John Landy and Roger Banister. Now they were racing each other. John Landy was leading the race and there was only…