(5,796 results)
Luke Acts Series
Greg Woolf • Connect Church • Sermon • • 6 views • 26:57
Let me encourage you to finish reading chapter 9. I want to skip down to chapter 10 and look at a story that is very important to all of us Gentiles. As we study the gospel message of Jesus Christ, it is important that we understand that this message is for all people. The story of Cornelius is a very…
Acts: Forward Together
Tim Brubaker • Cornerstone Independent Baptist Church • Sermon • • 15 views • 53:15
Review Saul and Peter were two men who learned to bloom wherever God planted them. They each had their time of preparation. They each learned to be content where God had them in that moment. They each learned valuable lessons as they prepared for the next step that God had in their lives. While Saul…
Barrett Case • Rich Hill Christian Church • Sermon • • 27 views • 30:00
Easter and Christmas are probably the most significant days in the Christian faith. The birth of Jesus and His resurrection, major components of the gospel. Instead of spending just one week focusing on the Easter event, I wanted us to spend a few weeks after Easter reflecting on the resurrection and…
Pastor Gary • Rock Hall Glocal Methodist Charge • Sermon • • 16 views • 36:27
Something much greater than just what we see is happening. BIG IDEA: THE MIRACLE OF HEALING OPENS THE DOOR FOR THE GREATER MIRACLE OF SALVATION Looking at 2 examples of the church growing as a result of the Gospel impacting remote areas INTRODUCTION: In the case of the early church we are going to see…
John A. Murphy, Jr. • MISSION WOODS CHURCH • Sermon • • 33 views • 1:17:36
As we begin today where we are in our story is the church is flourishing in Jerusalem, but resistance is intensifying, culminating in the death of Stephen, the church’s first martyr. A great persecution ensues, spearheaded by a Pharisee named Saul from the city of Tarsus. In Acts 8:1-3 we read that Saul…
Joe Kramer • FBC Minneola • Sermon • • 38 views • 24:28
A man was walking down the street when he saw a sign outside a small shop that read: "God's Will Repair Services." Curious, he walked in and found an elderly man tinkering with an old clock. “Excuse me,” the man said, “what exactly do you repair here?” The old man smiled and replied, “Oh, anything that’s…
Acts: Forward Together
Tim Brubaker • Cornerstone Independent Baptist Church • Sermon • • 19 views • 50:44
Review Saul of Tarsus experienced a wonderful transformation when on the road to Damascus, he met the Lord Jesus. There were two conclusions that Saul reached: Jesus is Lord. Jesus deserves my allegiance and my service Saul’s life would never be the same after that meeting. Immediately he began to preach…
Adventures in Acts
Brian Manning • Willetton Bible Baptist Church • Sermon • • 7 views • 47:28
Acts 9:32-43 Introduction Acts is full of excitement Sometimes we feel like Christian life should be this constant high energy pursuit to change the world That’s just exhausting Luke is showing us how Gospel spread not what daily life of believer is like In midst of the excitement & amazing are glimpses…
Caleb Miles • First Baptist Church • Sermon • • 47 views • 1:16:14
Is God worth my time? How much of my time am I willing to give to God? Once a week? Once a day? All day? Every moment of the day? What if we were to be challenged to focus on God all day? Before and during every conversation, or decision? Often times we say that we don’t see the things of God, but how…
The Gospel Story
Noah Porzelius • First Baptist Church • Sermon • • 4 views • 25:55
Welcome Good morning everyone. Today in the Gospel Story sermon series we are going to see in important step in the process of spreading the gospel, the message of Jesus, to the entire world. Up to this point in the book of Acts, we have largely seen the disciples ministering to other Jewish people.…
Chris Morgan • Sermon • • 27 views • 26:39
Dorcas had a commitment to Christian living *** N/S: Dorcas is the only person in the Bible known by the Greek term mathetria, meaning “female disciple.” Possibly Luke thought she best exemplified what a female disciple of Jesus should be like, for we are told that she was literally “full of good works”…
Marcus W. McDaniel • First Baptist Church of Hoquiam • Sermon • • 10 views • 1:03:54
Connecting the Dots When things are not easy to reconcile in our minds. Read 1 “You are the sons of the Lord your God. You shall not cut yourselves or make any baldness on your foreheads for the dead. 2 For you are a people holy to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for his…
Caleb Miles • First Baptist Church • Sermon • • 68 views • 1:13:56
Prayer is coming into communication with the living and active God... Prayers moves us from the: Physical to the Spiritual Temporal to the Eternal From self-focus to God-focus This week we are going to look at the NT How Not to Pray 5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to…
Just a closer walk with thee
James Rogers • Sermon • • 53 views • 1:07:18
Blessings and Responsibilities Becoming a Christian is an easy thing. Jesus did all the work. It is a real blessing, but with it comes some responsibilities , as we discussed last week. Church assembly picture inserted here One of the blessings as well as the responsibilities is for us to assemble as…
John Eubank • Fellowship Baptist Church • Sermon • • 29 views • 46:28
A. Rapport for the time The idea behind something being perfect in this world. B. Reading of the text 11 So, setting sail from Troas, we made a direct voyage to Samothrace, and the following day to Neapolis, 12 and from there to Philippi, which is a leading city of the district of Macedonia and a Roman…
Community on Mission
Ken MacLeod • Community of Grace • Sermon • • 82 views • 37:37
We were in New York City a couple of weeks ago, and at one point I was riding a bus from LaGuardia airport to our hotel in Queens. As a Jesus follower, I want to consider others better than myself, and make room for others, so I went to the back of the bus, took a window seat, and piled my bags on my…
Keith Parmer • EFBC - Evangelical Free Bible Church • Sermon • • 37 views • 35:51
Mission - be witnesses (martyrs) Method - Prayer & Proclamation Means - Holy Spirit Opposition Attacks from without Attacks from within Prejudice Mahatma Gandhi shares in his autobiography that in his student days in England he was deeply touched by reading the Gospels and seriously considered becoming…
John Eubank • Sermon • • 27 views • 53:59
A. The Rapport for the Time Who may be saved? Two weeks ago, Last week Correcting vision. What does your salvation mean to you. We have come our of a week of thanksgiving to get to the text this morning and ask ourselves what does our salvation mean to us? B. The Reading of the Text C. The Review of…
John Eubank • Sermon • • 35 views • 44:16
A. The Rapport for the Time I love this time of year don’t you! Thanksgiving and Christmas have some huge traditions that are different for each household. You grow up with things being a certain way and you expect that certain way because it is what you have always done. And if it is changed, WOW, we…
Jake Lopez • CCJohnDay • Sermon • • 47 views • 46:30
12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, 19 Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another. 2 Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, leading to edification. 29 Let no corrupt word…
Circle Makers
Pastor Tony Whitehead • Bonham Community Church • Sermon • • 39 views • 55:09
Good Morning again! God is GOOD! (all the time!) All the Time! (God is good!) Amen!!! I am so excited for today! We have been talking about prayer… and I hope that you are experiencing the Love and Mercy of God in a new way through this time! Pray with me: “ Father God pour out Your Holy Spirit on us…
Mission: Near
David Thomas • FHCC • Sermon • • 51 views • 34:38
Believing in the transformative power of the Gospel, we must NEVER hesitate to share it with others!
Acts: The Final Chapter
Matthew Round • Hope City Church Edinburgh • Sermon • • 123 views • 35:50
We've come to the end of Acts and we summarised it from the perspective that it's a Spirit-empowered, boundary-crossing GROWTH story. It encourages us in our faith journey of growth, and as we boldly share the gospel.
Acts: To The Ends Of The Earth
Dustin Mace • Buffalo Baptist Church • Sermon • • 116 views • 35:33
When I was a kid, my dad built me a wooden house on stilts. Kind of like a treehouse but not in a tree; it was on stilts and had two entrances, one with a slide and the other a ladder, and two windows. There was a sign over the entrance at the ladder that my mom made for me. “Boys Club - Boys Allowed…
Mission: Near
David Thomas • FHCC • Sermon • • 79 views • 31:41
The Gospel trnsforms unlikely people, sometimes it is the convert, other times it is the church.