(4,112 results)
Tony Padgett • Brookfield Church of Christ • Sermon • • 48 views • 47:34
WRONG ATTITUDES TOWARD DEATH "CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST" Believes that "matter, sin, sickness, and death have no reality" Thus all the days that Adam lived were 930 years, and he died. Thus all the days of Seth were 912 years, and he died. Thus all the days of Enosh were 905 years, and he died. "ESCAPIST”…
12 Extraordinary Women
Scott Jerrell • Mt Carmel Baptist Church Woodway • Sermon • • 27 views • 53:44
Her Expectation Last week, we looked at the curse of Adam and of Eve. Adam would have to till the land, fighting weeds and varmints. Eve would bear the the pains of childbirth, and there would be conflict between woman and man for headship and authority. As bad as those sound, though, God’s curse on…
Brit Chadashah 24-25
Pastor Omar Portillo • Goshen Renewal Ministries • Sermon • • 12 views • 3:58:17
Torah Portion: Genesis 1:1-6:8 Haftarah: Isa 42:5-43:10 Brit Chadashah: John 1:1-17 Review Torah Portion: Genesis 1:1-6:8 Haftarah: Isa 42:5-43:10 Brit Chadashah: John 1:1-17 Introduction Torah Portion: Genesis 1:1-6:8 Haftarah: Isa 42:5-43:10 Brit Chadashah: John 1:1-17 Gibson Which Jesus? Combative…
Mike Measley • EFBC - Evangelical Free Bible Church • Sermon • • 50 views • 51:28
“Till sin be bitter, Christ will not be sweet.” -Thomas Watson Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”…
The Prophecies Concerning Jesus Christ
Dr. Joel Madasu • Logos Bible Church • Sermon • • 44 views • 45:29
The Gospel According to Genesis Today, we will deal with a few passages from the book of Genesis that teach us about the prophetic text concerning our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As we approach the days to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, we must learn about the prophetic texts that teach…
Life in 6 Words
Chad Tittle • Grace & Truth Church • Sermon • • 164 views • 28:09
Today we are wrapping up this six part study of the Good News called, “Life in 6 Words.” We get these six words by using the word “Gospel” as an acrostic. As a way of review, let’s walk through these six words one final time… G - God created us to be with Him. ( Genesis 1-2 ) O - Our sins separate us…
Dr. Joel Madasu • Logos Bible Church • Sermon • • 12 views • 55:42
The Prophecies Concerning Jesus Christ Part 2 | The Abrahamic Covenant
Joe Kramer • FBC Minneola • Sermon • • 33 views • 26:50
A Minister was walking down the street when he came upon a group of about a dozen boys, all of them between 10 and 12 years of age. The group had surrounded a dog. Concerned lest the boys were hurting the dog, he went over and asked "What are you doing with that dog?" One of the boys replied, "This dog…
Haftarah 2023-2024
Pastor Omar Portillo • Goshen Renewal Ministries • Sermon • • 18 views • 3:15:28
Isaiah 54:1-55:5 Review We continue with the new cycle of Halftarah readings We have taught from the Torah portions directly for the last 3 years We are dedicating this new cycle to the teaching of every Haftarah that accompanies every Torah Portion in the corresponding cycle The Halfarah are supplementary…
Life of David
Michael Ryan Stotler • Laughlin Community Church • Sermon • • 17 views • 23:20
Introduction Last week we read about the rape of a woman by her half-brother. Amnon rapes Tamar the sister of Absolom. All children of David the King of Israel. 2 Samuel 13:23-36 23 Two years later, when Absalom’s sheepshearers were at Baal Hazor near the border of Ephraim, he invited all the king’s…
The Four Gospels
Stephen Challen • Homerton Baptist Church • Sermon • • 50 views • 34:39
Morning 1 October 2023
God's Story
Dr. Brian M. Carmichael Sr. • Holy Temple M.B. Church • Sermon • • 36 views • 45:45
The Question 1 Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” 2 And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; 3 but of the…
The City
Chad Tittle • Grace & Truth Church • Sermon • • 16 views • 36:24
What is a city? What do you think of when you think of a city? ir: ( ʿîr [eer]): city, town In the bible, a city is almost always fortified. It is a place surrounded by walls and has it’s own ruler or king. When we think of cities today we often think of large places where many people live or work, but…
Nick Picklesimer • Canyon Community Church • Sermon • • 48 views • 52:16
Homework Read Genesis 6-9 Genesis 6 Wickedness on the Earth 6:1-2 The sons of God. I’m going with the Sethian view. We saw the dividing point last week between the the lineage of God, and the lineage of Satan. What we see here is a mixing of the two lineages. When they begin mixing, it doesn’t end well.…
Joel Adkins • Westbrook Park United Methodist Church • Sermon • • 15 views • 28:27
16 Then Cain went away from the presence of the Lord and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden. In Numbers 35 , there are “cities of refuge”. These cities of refuge were God’s provision to put an end to further bloodshed that even an unintentional killing could incite. The cities of refuge protected…
Genesis 1-11
Paul Redding • Northwood Community Bible Church • Sermon • • 18 views • 48:55
Genesis 4 Read v 1-7 A “sinned and fallen short” family Adam and Eve’s sin Sin passed down to generations ( Gen 5:3 - made in the image of Adam) Pleasing Sacrifice Abel the rancher Cain the farmer ? Is blood sacrifice the issue? or attitude? Abel’s sacrifice was acceptable to God Cain’s sacrifice was…
Genesis 1-11
Paul Redding • Northwood Community Bible Church • Sermon • • 34 views • 52:09
Genesis 4 Read v 1-7 A “sinned and fallen short” family Adam and Eve’s sin Sin passed down to generations ( Gen 5:3 - made in the image of Adam) Pleasing Sacrifice Abel the rancher Cain the farmer ? Is blood sacrifice the issue? or attitude? Abel’s sacrifice was acceptable to God Cain’s sacrifice was…
Messianic Prophecy
Dr. Joel Madasu • Logos Bible Church • Sermon • • 36 views • 28:52
The Predictions About The Messiah in Pentateuch Both Jewish and Christian traditions from the early centuries found references to the Messiah in the Law, also known as Pentateuch. Some of the most controversial passages among the scholarly world are Gen. 3:15 , Gen. 49:8-12 , Num. 24:17-19 , Deut. 18:18-19…
More Things ....
keith mariott • Minden Presbyterian Church • Sermon • • 15 views • 30:17
Divine Transgression After the ruin of Eden, the human story heads south in a hurry. That is to be expected. The curses that followed the events in the garden bound the fate of humanity with the spiritual descendents of the Nachash, all those who oppose the rule of God either in the earthly or spiritual…
Dan Cook • Covenant Life Baptist Church • Sermon • • 40 views • 44:15
We live in a broken, messed up world. (examples) How did it get this way? Some say it just is like this, and there’s no God. Just chance. Some say if there’s a God, He doesn’t care or isn’t able to do anything about this. Some say there’s a God and His ways are so mysterious that we can’t make any of…
Dan Cook • Covenant Life Baptist Church • Sermon • • 16 views • 44:42
We live in a broken, messed up world. (examples) How did it get this way? Some say it just is like this, and there’s no God. Just chance. Some say if there’s a God, He doesn’t care or isn’t able to do anything about this. Some say there’s a God and His ways are so mysterious that we can’t make any of…
Dan Cook • Covenant Life Baptist Church • Sermon • • 20 views • 52:13
We live in a broken, messed up world. (examples) How did it get this way? Some say it just is like this, and there’s no God. Just chance. Some say if there’s a God, He doesn’t care or isn’t able to do anything about this. Some say there’s a God and His ways are so mysterious that we can’t make any of…
Dan Cook • Covenant Life Baptist Church • Sermon • • 24 views • 50:27
We live in a broken, messed up world. (examples) How did it get this way? Some say it just is like this, and there’s no God. Just chance. Some say if there’s a God, He doesn’t care or isn’t able to do anything about this. Some say there’s a God and His ways are so mysterious that we can’t make any of…
Mike Measley • EFBC - Evangelical Free Bible Church • Sermon • • 115 views • 33:18
Adam made love to his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. She said, “With the help of the Lord I have brought forth a man.” Later she gave birth to his brother Abel. Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil. In the course of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil…
Summer 2022
Paris Perry • Sermon • • 50 views • 30:04
Introduction We are in our summer series of open sermons. I mentioned at the beginning of the summer that we are going to be exploring various chapters through the bible and today we are going all the way back the beginning in Genesis and looking into chapter 4. When I was doing sermon planning, I had…