(27,130 results)

Steven Richards • Homerton Baptist Church • Sermon • • 5 views • 22:08
20 But you have been anointed by the Holy One, and you all have knowledge. 21 I write to you, not because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and because no lie is of the truth. 22 Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father…

Pastor Cal Callison • HOPE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP • Sermon • • 9 views • 46:45
DISMISS KID MIN OFFERING Now about eight days after these sayings he took with him Peter and John and James and went up on the mountain to pray. And as he was praying, the appearance of his face was altered, and his clothing became dazzling white. And behold, two men were talking with him, Moses and…

Brit Chadashah 24-25
Pastor Omar Portillo • Goshen Renewal Ministries • Sermon • • 17 views • 3:57:49
Torah: Review Tanakh Brit Hadoshah Eber (ebur) I AM (grafted) He appeared will have life Brit Chadashah: Brit Chadashah Second Coming/ Tribulation A New Moon Anani Tribulation Evil Inclination/ And He went Out Grafted Matthew Two -14 In Hebrew Arose= qom Path of Inclusion - Vayeshev - And He sent - 7…

“Blind in Bethsaida”
K. Adrian Scott • Adrian • Sermon • • 5 views • 46:29
“Blind in Bethsaida” Mark 8:22–25 (ESV) K. Adrian Scott December 29, 2024 Contextual Intro . Only Mark's Gospel account gives us this story. It is an anomaly because it is the only miraculous healing by Jesus that is done in stages; two stages to be exact. All of the previous healings for the most part…

Christmas 2024
Ryan Webster • Drummond Community Church • Sermon • • 3 views • 22:13
Christmas is a wonderful time of year. As kids, often the two most anticipated times of year are our birthdays and Christmas. Why? Because we get gifts! As adults, we may still look forward to receiving gifts, but we also realize that Christmas has more to offer. We not only receive gifts, we give gifts,…

Brit Chadashah 24-25
Pastor Omar Portillo • Goshen Renewal Ministries • Sermon • • 16 views • 3:40:52
Review Tanakh Brit Hadoshah Eber (ebur) I AM (grafted) - He appeared will have life Brit Chadashah: Brit Chadashah Second Coming/ Tribulation A New Moon Anani Tribulation Evil Inclination Grafted Matthew Two -14 In Hebrew Arose= qom Introduction Path of Inclusion Tittle Picture Torah Summary 1 Now Jacob…

Scott Jerrell • Mt Carmel Baptist Church Woodway • Sermon • • 24 views • 43:44
First Disciples Called 35 The next day again John was standing with two of his disciples, 36 and he looked at Jesus as he walked by and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God!” 37 The two disciples heard him say this, and they followed Jesus. 38 Jesus turned and saw them following and said to them, “What are…

Advent 2024 - God's Action Plan
Rev Stephen Thomas • Renew Baptist Church • Sermon • • 3 views • 20:03
Luke 2:1-20 / John 1:1-5 ; 14 Scene 1/ The life of Jesus is one of incredible contrast. Over and over again we read in the Gospels that Jesus was humbly born, gloriously proclaimed . Just have a think about that. The contrast of physical environments cannot be more confronting. Have you ever sat and…

Scott Jerrell • Mt Carmel Baptist Church Woodway • Sermon • • 26 views • 53:25
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. If a quarter is on heads, is it worth 25 cents? If a quarter is on tails, is it still worth 25 cents? So, while the coin may have a different look, a different picture, it is still valid…

Jake Lopez • CCJohnDay • Sermon • • 19 views • 52:48
John 8:12-20 12 Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” 2 The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.…

![Brit Chadashah - ברית חדשה-Toldot -תּוֹלְדוֹת - Generations-מָחָ֣ר -חֹ֑דֶשׁ- Machar Chodesh- “Tomorrow is [Rosh] Chodesh”- A New Moon - AudioPodcast- Nov 30, 2024](
Brit Chadashah 24-25
Pastor Omar Portillo • Goshen Renewal Ministries • Sermon • • 8 views • 3:59:17
Review Tanakh Brit Hadoshah Eber (ebur) I AM (grafted) Brit Chadasha will have life Brit Chadashah: Introduction 18 Then Jonathan said to David, “Tomorrow is the New Moon; and you will be missed, because your seat will be empty. A New Moon 36 His seed shall endure forever, And his throne as the sun before…

Jason Hovde • Oasis Church • Sermon • • 17 views • 37:09
Big Idea: The Kingdom is hidden from the proud and shown to the humble. Jesus is thankful for the hidden and the revealed He chooses who will receive the revelation We ought to be thankful for his revelation There are some things that are clear when you think about them simply, and more confusing when…

Galatians : No Turning Back
Pastor Kyle Gilstrap • Whitehall Baptist Church • Sermon • • 22 views • 39:55
TEXT: GALATIANS 5:22 | FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT : PART 3 INTRO EXPLANATION : As we continue our walk through the fruit of the Spirit, we have looked at the first three slices of this fruit. Like an orange that is peeled to reveal the slices within, these slices of the Spirit are to be equally present in the…

From God to Us
Kenn Chipchase • Pillar Fellowship • Sermon • • 22 views • 47:03
From the very beginning, the Word of God has been under attack. It is literally the oldest trick in the book! “Did God really say??” The devil deceived the woman by questioning the word of God and twisting the truth. And it has been the most common tactic of the enemy against God’s image bearers ever…

1 John 2024
Brian Eggert, Senior Pastor • Old Town Christian Fellowship • Sermon • • 26 views • 47:36
1 John 1 Good morning church! We are starting a new book this morning that I’m very excited about. It is another short one, only 5 chapters, I’m not yet 100% sure yet how long it is going to take us to get through, you guys know that I’m not 100% sure how far we are going to ever get today, but that’s…

Pastor Kevin T. Brown • Naalehu Assembly of God • Sermon • • 27 views • 41:15
1 And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, 3 among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others. 4 But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great…

Darrell Nellis Jr • Light of Adel • Sermon • • 13 views • 44:36
The resurrection and born again experience is not something that is merely written in books but rather upon the hearts of men. This resurrection of Jesus Christ was the culmination and crescendo of the entire plan of redemption for mankind. It was, I would say the most important and significant events…

Gospel of Matthew
Jacob W. Jones • River City Pentecostals - Decatur • Sermon • • 31 views • 44:26
John the Baptist passed the baton to Jesus after he correctly identifies him as the Messiah, God With Us.
We finished up Matthew Chapter 3 in our Series on The Gospel of Matthew.

Jedidiah Cary • Paw Paw Bible Church • Sermon • • 23 views • 48:27
John 1:3 . 3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. Jesus is the Creator , as the Incarnate Word John 1:14 “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” The…

Jonathan Anderson • Sermon • • 24 views • 41:41
Floyd introduces this section of the need for friendship evangelism with an example of Jesus. The next day again John was standing with two of his disciples, and he looked at Jesus as he walked by and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God!” The two disciples heard him say this, and they followed Jesus. Jesus…

Chris Polito • Gospel Community Church • Sermon • • 2 views • 1:23:04
There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him. He was not the light, but came to bear witness about the light. The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world,…

Peter Sample • Calvary Bible Church • Sermon • • 3 views • 33:04
We talked about politics a little bit last week. So, might as well talk about it this week as well. Right? It’s amazing how we can start seeing how strong people are in their faith, in their desire to follow Jesus in a holy life, by how they interact with people around an election, around a new inauguration.…

Jeremy Spence • First Baptist Church St. Paris • Sermon • • 6 views • 26:54
What is your goal for 2025? I am not talking necessarily about new year resolutions, though it can be that, but instead what do you hope to achieve or develop this year. 2025: Developing Disciples As I have done some thinking this past couple weeks about what I am going to try and use as a measuring…

Andy Richmond • Sylvania Wesleyan Church 1 • Sermon • • 9 views • 34:12
Good Morning. Glad that we can be here together this morning. One of the great challenges we face today is the idea of rejection. Relationships and how we interact with each other and the rest of the world is one of the biggest challenges that we face in the world. In my opinion this was an issue before…

Peter Sample • Calvary Bible Church • Sermon • • 4 views • 28:24
Have you ever been through an experience and felt incredibly alone? Wishing that someone would be there with you? It’s the little kid reaching up and grabbing his dad’s hand, and his dad squeezes it, saying “It’s okay, I’m here.” And all of a sudden, the situation isn’t as bad as it seemed. Then adulthood…