(4,128 results)

David Gayle Woods • The Troy Holiness Church • Sermon • • 4 views • 31:00
Now a certain man was ill, Lazarus of Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. It was Mary who anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped his feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was ill. So the sisters sent to him, saying, “Lord, he whom you love is ill.” But when Jesus heard it he said,…

The Gospels in chronological order
Chris Pickel • BFM Bible Study • Sermon • • 125 views • 1:54:09
The Purpose Fascination - Discovery - Identity - Authenticity One day, Napoleon was speaking of the Divinity of Christ; when General Bertrand said:— “I can not conceive, sire, how a great man like you can believe that the Supreme Being ever exhibited himself to men under a human form, with a body, a…

Gospel of John
Chris Spenner, M.Min. • Sermon • • 17 views • 39:31
NAME - THAT - VOICE! Three voice slides (Bugs, Darth, WW of West) God’s Voice See Psalm 29:3-9 The Power of God’s Voice 1- Creates the universe and everything in it Genesis 1:3 (NASB95) Then God said , “Let there be light”; and there was light. God SPOKE everything into existence 2 - Rules over nature…

Easter 2024
Dave • D.E.C. Dallas Evangelical Church • Sermon • • 15 views • 28:58
Today’s Theme Today we have a theme verse. It is not the passage we will be studying but it clearly sums up the main truth you and I should understand from listening to the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead Four Days Dead! 20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or…

Pastor Scott • First Baptist Church of Belmont • Sermon • • 4 views • 1:01:58
Introduction Today I wanted to share with you a message that the LORD gave me from my devotions this week. It’s a familiar passage of Scripture, one that is much beloved. I want to speak to you today on the topic ‘Living Unbound’ Church, know this: There is a difference between Living and Living Unbound.…

Jake Lopez • CCJohnDay • Sermon • • 1 view • 59:17
1 Preserve me, O God, for in You I put my trust. 2 O my soul, you have said to the Lord , “You are my Lord, My goodness is nothing apart from You.” 3 As for the saints who are on the earth, “They are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight.” 4 Their sorrows shall be multiplied who hasten after…

Jesse Hammonds • First Baptist Church Three Rivers • Sermon • • 20 views • 42:09
In 2022, the year began with four funerals that impacted our church. We did not host all of them, but they impacted the lives of people in our church. Cathy Dockery, Becky Wilson, Alton Zamzow, and Jim Keese. That was a tough start to the year. Funerals always remind us of our own mortality. As we pick…

Joe Kramer • FBC Minneola • Sermon • • 91 views • 23:59
A couple in their nineties are both having problems remembering things. So during a check-up, the doctor tells them that they're physically okay, but they might want to start writing things down to help them remember. Later that night, while watching TV, the old man gets up from his chair. 'Want anything…

Raising Lazarus
Daniel Clark • St George's Anglican Church, Magill • Sermon • • 35 views • 28:53
The First Nöel we’ve all heard the song haven’t we? “The First Noel the angels did say was to certain poor shepherds in fields where they lay” Did you know this is a very old song? It was first sung outside churches, somewhere around the 13th or 14th centuries in Cornwall - that’s south east England.…

John's Gospel - Grace & Truth
Rick Burcham • Sparta First Baptist Church • Sermon • • 18 views • 17:35
Teri Leinbaugh story [1001 Quotes, Illustrations & Humorous Stories from Edward K. Rowell] BFF - Best Friends Forever friend — noun. a person you know well and regard with affection and trust. (Facebook friend may or may not meet this definition. Better labeled “connection”) companion — noun. a person…

Pastor Kevin T. Brown • Naalehu Assembly of God • Sermon • • 25 views • 32:33
1 Now a certain man was sick, Lazarus of Bethany, the town of Mary and her sister Martha. 4 When Jesus heard that, He said, “This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.” 17 So when Jesus came, He found that he had already been in the tomb…

Peace on Earth
Matthew Holmes • Turner Christian Church • Sermon • • 13 views • 43:19
Peace for the Disciples Death disturbed their faith in the authority of Jesus. So the sisters sent a message to him: “Lord, the one you love is sick.” Jesus explained to them that God was still in control . (11:4) When Jesus heard it, he said, “This sickness will not end in death but is for the glory…

So that you may believe - Gospel of John
James Rogers • West Side Church of Christ • Sermon • • 60 views • 57:22
Faith Building Have there been times when your faith felt weak? What kind of circumstance? In your life have you found that faith building is normally easy? Does your faith grow more in difficult, trying, disheartening times? Why? You are not alone, the apostles often grew in faith in times they did…

Special Message
Jon Gruss • Allegan Bible Church • Sermon • • 14 views • 42:57
Come Out of Your Grave!!

Easter 2023
Kyle harrison • Dishman Baptist Church • Sermon • • 56 views • 42:06
Welcome- Prepare hearts and Worship 100% of the time, His little feet. I am looking for a couple of people who would want to be available at the end of service to answer questions and meet any body that has questions. If this is something you might want to participate in please let me know. Call to Worship…

Jeff Holcomb • Living Word • Sermon • • 24 views • 50:48
Prayer: “Lord Jesus, you are the resurrection and the life. We ask you to resurrect us now, today, and give us life where sin and darkness have set in. Help us to live as you lived, trust as you trusted, and love as you loved. Amen.” The story of Lazarus is filled with emotions on the extremes: from…

Joel Adkins • Westbrook Park United Methodist Church • Sermon • • 57 views • 32:07
Selling Jesus Short-John 11:1-16 Stilling Storms- See Matt 8.27 27 And the men marveled, saying, “What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey him?” Forgiving and healing Mark 2.7 7 “Why does this man speak like that? He is blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?” 12 And he rose and…

Letting Go
Doc Dewberry • Faith Vision Christian Ministries • Sermon • • 137 views • 1:41:51
Countdown Video: Our Greatest Hope Thank you for joining Faith Vision Christian Ministries Faith Vision i s a Christian church, based on the Word of God. We are a training ground for all things Jesus Christ. We are loving God , Loving People living by faith Thank you for joining us today , Please set…

New Testament Study John
Pastor Brian Boisselle • Crossroads Wesleyan Church • Sermon • • 81 views • 55:36
Background Now a certain man was ill, Lazarus of Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. It was Mary who anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped his feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was ill. Jesus was across the Jordan Mary and Martha are mentioned as if the reader would be familiar…

Jesus: Presence of God
Brett Miller • Temecula Valley Church • Sermon • • 48 views • 40:50
Resurrection in the OT is “rare” Direct references to resurrection—coming back to life after physical death—are rare in the OT. The example of Elijah resurrecting a boy simply describes it as a return to life (חַי, ḥay ; 1 Kgs 17:22–23 ) with a restoration of the boy’s living essence (נֶפֶשׁ, nephesh…

Ray Casper • Bethel Baptist Church of Tillamook, OR • Sermon • • 27 views • 35:47
1. The Glory and Departure of the Son of Man, 31-33. Vs. 31 — Prepares us for the intimate discourse with the 11 remaining disciples. Several similar statements of Jesus Jesus answered, “If I glorify Myself, My glory is nothing; it is My Father who glorifies Me, of whom you say, ‘He is our God’; But…

Samuel E. P. Lindsay • Flooding Creek (FCCC) • Sermon • • 38 views • 33:59
Intro Kids: Anastasia is a great name. Have you heard it before? Do you know anybody called Anastasia? Our baby is almost due, do you think we should call it Anastasia if it’s a girl? Do you know what Anastasia means? It’s almost a direct rip-off a Greek word: ἀνάστασις (anastasis), it’s a word found…

Believe: Gospel of John
Josh Slater • First Baptist Church of Louise • Sermon • • 78 views • 37:56
Jesus is The Resurrection and the Life Last week we finished up the first major section of John’s Gospel that started in John 1:19 and went through John 10:42 . These next 2 chapters John 11 & 12, are transition chapters in John’s Gospel. A time between the end of Jesus’ Public ministry in Jerusalem…

Jeff Holcomb • Living Word • Sermon • • 87 views • 53:17
It is important that we understand the cost to follow Christ. However Cost, is a tough concept sometimes A farmer was approached by a stranger one day and asked how much he thought his prize Jersey cow was worth. The farmer thought for a moment, looked the stranger over, then said: “Are you the tax assessor,…

David Samson • Eastport Baptist Church • Sermon • • 72 views • 30:47
How did Jesus comfort Mary and Martha after the death of their brother Lazarus? How does He help you today? Listen as David Samson preaches from John 11:1-44.