(3,137 results)
Raising Lazarus
Daniel Clark • St George's Anglican Church, Magill • Sermon • • 34 views • 28:53
The First Nöel we’ve all heard the song haven’t we? “The First Noel the angels did say was to certain poor shepherds in fields where they lay” Did you know this is a very old song? It was first sung outside churches, somewhere around the 13th or 14th centuries in Cornwall - that’s south east England.…
Pastor Jed Johnston • A Place Of Grace • Sermon • • 30 views • 39:25
Remembrance As we gather this evening it is for the purpose to remember what Jesus Christ did… As we gather together we remember Him as we come to the Lord’s table, an sacrament instituted by the Lord Himself… The night that He would be betrayed… Jesus did something unique with His followers The Bread……
The Gospels in chronological order
Chris Pickel • BFM Bible Study • Sermon • • 101 views • 1:54:09
The Purpose Fascination - Discovery - Identity - Authenticity One day, Napoleon was speaking of the Divinity of Christ; when General Bertrand said:— “I can not conceive, sire, how a great man like you can believe that the Supreme Being ever exhibited himself to men under a human form, with a body, a…
Gospel of John
Chris Spenner, M.Min. • The Church in Noble - Cornerstone • Sermon • • 15 views • 40:27
In the light of Lazarus’ resurrection John 11:47-57 The miraculous work of Jesus is now getting very real There is no denying what He has done, and the influence He is having on people How far did His power extend? Lazarus, dead four days, would have been in the spirit world Body would have begun to…
Peace on Earth
Matthew Holmes • Turner Christian Church • Sermon • • 11 views • 43:19
Peace for the Disciples Death disturbed their faith in the authority of Jesus. So the sisters sent a message to him: “Lord, the one you love is sick.” Jesus explained to them that God was still in control . (11:4) When Jesus heard it, he said, “This sickness will not end in death but is for the glory…
So that you may believe - Gospel of John
James Rogers • West Side Church of Christ • Sermon • • 20 views • 1:11:42
Trouble Brewing Everything seems to be a problem with someone. People sent to Jesus about Lazarus (11:1-3) Trouble was Whom Jesus loved was sick. Jesus going to Judea (11:5-8) Trouble is disciples thought he would be killed Lazarus is dead (11:11-14) Problem is he delayed and now Lazarus is dead. Martha…
Joel Adkins • Westbrook Park United Methodist Church • Sermon • • 12 views • 33:51
The Sabbath has ended. The special sign that God gave to Israel, the Sabbath, was over. The day was for physical rest, refreshment, but for Israel it was never meant to be what it had become. /the Pharisees and scribes had added enough restrictions that it became a day of bondage instead of blessing.…
Easter 2023
Kyle harrison • Dishman Baptist Church • Sermon • • 54 views • 42:06
Welcome- Prepare hearts and Worship 100% of the time, His little feet. I am looking for a couple of people who would want to be available at the end of service to answer questions and meet any body that has questions. If this is something you might want to participate in please let me know. Call to Worship…
Joel Adkins • Westbrook Park United Methodist Church • Sermon • • 22 views • 35:46
Jesus Was About His Father's Business... Why Are You Here? Most everything that Jeus did brought life. See John 3.17 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. But, today, Jesus cleanses the temple and curses a fig tree.…
New Testament Study John
Pastor Brian Boisselle • Crossroads Wesleyan Church • Sermon • • 79 views • 55:36
Background Now a certain man was ill, Lazarus of Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. It was Mary who anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped his feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was ill. Jesus was across the Jordan Mary and Martha are mentioned as if the reader would be familiar…
Jesus: Presence of God
Brett Miller • Temecula Valley Church • Sermon • • 47 views • 40:50
Resurrection in the OT is “rare” Direct references to resurrection—coming back to life after physical death—are rare in the OT. The example of Elijah resurrecting a boy simply describes it as a return to life (חַי, ḥay ; 1 Kgs 17:22–23 ) with a restoration of the boy’s living essence (נֶפֶשׁ, nephesh…
Gospel of John
Ray Casper • Bethel Baptist Church of Tillamook, OR • Sermon • • 30 views • 38:55
Have you ever been there? That proverbial fork in the road, that moment of truth, where a decision is made that will impact the rest of your life? King David experienced his fork in the road, his moment of truth when the prophet Nathan stuck a bony finger in his face and said, “You are the man!” ( 2…
Samuel E. P. Lindsay • Flooding Creek (FCCC) • Sermon • • 44 views • 31:46
Exegetical Point: In response to Jesus’ signs, the Sanhedrin resolve to kill Jesus to save the nation. Homiletic Point: Jesus will die to gather God’s Children. Intro Recap Our last week in John for a while Lazarus was raised from death - Jesus showed himself to be The Resurrection and the Life Climactic…
Believe: Gospel of John
Josh Slater • First Baptist Church of Louise • Sermon • • 44 views • 34:15
11:45-12:11 Last week we talked about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead With one phrase he took what was dead and made him alive. That’s a picture of the gospel message. God makes dead things alive. He gives us, who are spiritually dead, a new life. And he offers it to all who will believe. However,…
Mike Nasci • Calvary Chapel Estancia Valley • Sermon • • 173 views • 1:56:24
Verses 1-2 As we get into chapter 14 we again depart from a strict chronology as Mark often does for the purpose of comparing and contrasting different events in the life of Christ and now move backwards a few days to the Friday before Palm Sunday. We know the timing from John 12 . The reason Mark now…
Samuel Gray • Prosperity Avenue Baptist Church • Sermon • • 29 views • 41:58
Now a man was sick, Lazarus from Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. Mary was the one who anointed the Lord with perfume and wiped his feet with her hair, and it was her brother Lazarus who was sick. So the sisters sent a message to him: “Lord, the one you love is sick.” When Jesus heard…
Chris Pawlowski • Dishman Baptist Church • Sermon • • 43 views • 50:14
Good morning and welcome again to Dishman Baptist Church. Whether you are joining us online or in person it is our joy and pleasure to be celebrating and worshipping our Heavenly Father together with you this morning. Please open your Bibles with me to Mark 14 , Mark 14 . We’ve been studying the life…
Randy Chamberland • Sullivan Harbor Baptist Church • Sermon • • 56 views • 41:25
And Many Believed 43 And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. 44 And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go. Jesus just demonstrated that He has…
Stand Alone: Belief
Derek Slack • Central Park Christian Church Topeka • Sermon • • 196 views • 45:45
Belief: An opinion of judgment in which a person is fully persuaded. 12 But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, 16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.…
In the Midst of Suffering -John 11 (05/03/2020)
Pastor Phil Lowther • First Baptist Church of Cambridge Springs • Sermon • • 171 views • 54:49
“We were promised sufferings. They were part of the program. We were even told, 'Blessed are they that mourn,' and I accept it. I've got nothing that I hadn't bargained for. Of course it is different when the thing happens to oneself, not to others, and in reality, not imagination.”― C.S. Lewis Changing…
Ron • Lighthouse International Fellowship • Sermon • • 1,404 views • 35:09
Palm Sunday Foretold by the Prophets 9 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; He is just and endowed with salvation, Humble, and mounted on a donkey, Even on a colt, the foal of a donkey. 22 The stone which the builders rejected…
Ron • Lighthouse International Fellowship • Sermon • • 1,161 views • 40:00
Where do we start? 10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. 10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments; His praise endures forever. What do we tend to fear? The unknown…
Mike Measley • EFBC - Evangelical Free Bible Church • Sermon • • 1,071 views • 34:42
Today we will be studying John 11:1-44 . This is the account of when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. John alone records this account of Jesus life. We are going to read through the passage and study it as we go. At the end, we want to draw some applications for our lives today, about the resurrected…
F-260 2019
John Long IV • Yatesville Baptist Church • Sermon • • 127 views • 50:12
Intro Prayer 1 Now a man was sick, Lazarus from Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. 2 Mary was the one who anointed the Lord with perfume and wiped his feet with her hair, and it was her brother Lazarus who was sick. 3 So the sisters sent a message to him: “Lord, the one you love is sick.”…