(3,927 results)
Matt Wilson • Antioch Odessa • Sermon • • 17 views • 50:00
Would you turn with me to Luke chapter 4 today? I hope that you have brought your Bibles so that you can follow along with me. The good doctor Luke has been showing us the early life and ministry of Jesus and really detailing many events of His Galilean ministry. We have seen the details of His baptism,…
Who is the Holy Spirit?
Caleb Miles • First Baptist Church • Sermon • • 31 views • 1:15:20
This morning we are going to begin talking about the Kingdom of God! Many people view the kingdom of God as some place that they will go to when they die if they believe in Jesus This is absolutely correct! However, maybe it is a bit more than that? We are going to talk this morning about what the Bible…
The Gospels in chronological order
Chris Pickel • BFM Bible Study • Sermon • • 98 views • 1:54:09
The Purpose Fascination - Discovery - Identity - Authenticity One day, Napoleon was speaking of the Divinity of Christ; when General Bertrand said:— “I can not conceive, sire, how a great man like you can believe that the Supreme Being ever exhibited himself to men under a human form, with a body, a…
Habits of a Healthy Heart
Chad Tittle • Grace & Truth Church • Sermon • • 35 views • 28:18
The Habit of Solitude Raise your hand if you have a difficult time slowing your mind. Now raise your hand if you didn’t hear what I said because your mind was somewhere else. As amazing of a person as Amy is, this is something that we are both guilty of. In fact, the most common question we ask each…
Pat Damiani • Thornydale Family Church • Sermon • • 63 views • 40:31
NOTE: This is a manuscript, and not a transcript of this message. The actual presentation of the message differed from the manuscript through the leading of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is possible, and even likely that there is material in this manuscript that was not included in the live presentation…
Who is the Holy Spirit?
Caleb Miles • First Baptist Church • Sermon • • 23 views • 1:09:34
How many of us has had our CC numbers taken or been scammed? This week I bought $300 airpods to be sent to CA.. I’d like to start with an illustration from Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell Juan Zamora of Richland, Washington, owed a bill he could not pay for a charge he did not make. After filling up…
Pastor Scott • First Baptist Church of Belmont • Sermon • • 9 views • 30:32
Introduction If you’re of a certain age, you’re familiar with the movie the Lion King. That movie came out in 1994, the year that my daughter was born (and coincidentally, before Disney was the woke-monster it has become). My daughter was a big fan of the movie - and it’s a good movie. One of the things…
Who is the Holy Spirit?
Caleb Miles • First Baptist Church • Sermon • • 17 views • 1:22:40
Recap from last week: 38 Then Jesus answered, “Will you really lay down your life for me? Very truly I tell you, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times! Jesus just tells Peter that he was going to deny Him Then He tells him 1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God;…
Sunday Morning 2024
Scott Jerrell • Mt Carmel Baptist Church Woodway • Sermon • • 15 views • 1:08:11
What is one of the most important things we can do as Christians? We can think of all the “good things”, tithe, evangelize, be faithful to attend service, be a “good” person, treat others well, and we can go on and on. But in reality, should one of the most important things we do not be prayer? As I…
Richard Apperley • St Michael and All Angels • Sermon • • 26 views • 23:38
Well, this seems like a pretty straightforward, out of the ordinary, gospel passage. A leper comes to Jesus, asks for healing, Jesus does it. A nice moral story. Jesus cares for the outcast, so should we. Ba-da-bing, ba-da-boom. Trouble is, once you start looking at it a bit more deeply it raises all…
The Gospel of Mark
Jeremy Spence • First Baptist Church St. Paris • Sermon • • 8 views • 36:55
We have a trust issue. I hear it in how we talk with one another. I hear it in the complaints of others. Every year the most ethical and trustworthy professions come out. The information is not very encouraging. We have an authority issue. Corollary to our trust issue is then who has authority and ability…
Enriching Tradition | Epiphany: Jesus, Man of Mystery
Levi Stuckey • Crossroads Church - Napoleon • Sermon • • 63 views • 33:34
Sin isolates, Jesus unites; yet, moments of rest and solitude with God remain essential.
Epiphany - From the River to the Mountain
Pastor Greg Stenzel • Christ Lutheran Church & School • Sermon • • 7 views • 23:20
SUMMARY: The cares —including suffering—of God’s people have both a present blessing and a future hope: as our Creator and Lord uses tribulation to keep pointing us to His faithfulness. GOAL : That my hearers will understand that though Christians endure tribulations and anxieties, God cares and has…
revguskelly • Table View Methodist • Sermon • • 14 views • 22:18
Jesus Heals We’re still reading from the first chapter of the gospel according to Mark. Mark really rushes to the point - where the other gospels take a little while to get to Jesus healing and performing miracles. In Matthew we wait till the 3rd chapter. In Luke - the 4th chapter. In John - Jesus turns…
Theology of Prayer
Dr. Joel Madasu • Logos Bible Church • Sermon • • 36 views • 48:43
What is Prayer? Part 1
Learning From the Unknown Disciples: Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Susanna
Rev Stephen Thomas • Renew Baptist Church • Sermon • • 29 views • 18:10
Have you ever come across one of those people where their enthusiasm isn’t as helpful as they think it is? They run ahead and you have to haul them back because they are getting ahead of the rest of the team. Their keeness to spread the message or start the activity, instead of helping, actually creates…
Caleb Miles • First Baptist Church • Sermon • • 67 views • 1:13:56
Prayer is coming into communication with the living and active God... Prayers moves us from the: Physical to the Spiritual Temporal to the Eternal From self-focus to God-focus This week we are going to look at the NT How Not to Pray 5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to…
Footsteps of Jesus
Jesse Hammonds • First Baptist Church Three Rivers • Sermon • • 147 views • 36:06
In 2020, two words were introduced to our vocabulary that changed the way people related to one another. Those two words are social distancing. For the first time in our lives, our society as a whole went to great measures to distance us from one another. This was for good reason as COVID-19 was highly…
The Gospel According to Mark
Kenn Chipchase • Pillar Fellowship • Sermon • • 268 views • 46:17
Do you remember when Chuck Norris jokes were all the rage? Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door. When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he actually doesn’t push his body up, he pushed the earth down. Chuck Norris disproves the theory of evolution and natural selection. If it really were survival of the fitest,…
The Gospel According to Mark
Kenn Chipchase • Pillar Fellowship • Sermon • • 1,061 views • 36:44
There are so many things these day that call for our attention. There are things that demand attention in our home. Repairs to make, dishes to do, kids to parent, etc. There are things online that call for our attention. I’ve discoverd that facebook reels, or youtube shorts are huge traps for me. I can…
Mark series
Aaron Baldridge • First Free Will Baptist Church • Sermon • • 35 views • 38:17
21 Then they went into Capernaum, and immediately on the Sabbath He entered the synagogue and taught. 22 And they were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes. 23 Now there was a man in their synagogue with an unclean spirit. And he cried out, 24…
Experiencing God
Scott Jerrell • Mt Carmel Baptist Church Woodway • Sermon • • 34 views • 44:38
Review God created for us a love relationship. Has there been a time in your life when you questioned God’s love for you? In that experience, were there ways God was expressing His love for you? What scriptures do you turn to when looking for assurance of God? Two relationship focuses: His Work, and…
Mark(ed) For Action
Jared Trotter • Crosspoint Community Church • Sermon • • 88 views • 44:54
Intro Do we seek when we should hide, and hide when we should seek? Lost Jonathan at the Zoo Sometimes we hide for other reasons. It there a right way to hide? 35 Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray. 36 Later Simon and the others went out to find him.…
Brandon Mildren • Rossville Christian Church • Sermon • • 34 views • 48:25
Intro: What is the best way to prove a point - give an example right? Especially if people are unwilling to believe your claim, whether you are true or false, by giving an example of your claim, you hearers will know the truth. For example I can build a chicken coop. Don’t believe me just looky here…
Gospel of Mark
Jared Clark • Falls Baptist Church • Sermon • • 59 views • 34:15
Jesus did what the Law could not do by cleansing the Leper.