(2,036 results)

The Gospel of Mark
Jeremy Spence • First Baptist Church St. Paris • Sermon • • 28 views • 31:58
“Enemies” are easy to come by. Now I am not necessarily talking about those who are out to get us or destroy us. Instead I am talking about those who we disagree with. We all deal with many pressures. Daily live is filled with pressures. Sometimes it may seem like we are living in a pressure cooker.…

The Gospels in chronological order
Chris Pickel • BFM Bible Study • Sermon • • 116 views • 1:54:09
The Purpose Fascination - Discovery - Identity - Authenticity One day, Napoleon was speaking of the Divinity of Christ; when General Bertrand said:— “I can not conceive, sire, how a great man like you can believe that the Supreme Being ever exhibited himself to men under a human form, with a body, a…

Season after Pentecost—Top Down Faith
Pastor Greg Stenzel • Christ Lutheran Church & School • Sermon • • 1 view • 23:03
A TOP-DOWN FAITH “Satan Is Strong, but Jesus Is Stronger” 20 Then Jesus entered a house, and again a crowd gathered, so that he and his disciples were not even able to eat. 21 When his family heard about this, they went to take charge of him, for they said, “He is out of his mind.” 22 And the teachers…

Good Tidings
Pastor Kyle Gilstrap • Whitehall Baptist Church • Sermon • • 80 views • 35:46
TEXT: LUKE 2:11 | BORN THIS DAY INTRO ILLUSTRATION : EXPLANATION : Last week we began to dive into the good news the angels had delivered to these lowly shepherds. We rejoice in the wonderful fact that this good news was for all the world… but on that incredible night they discovered it was good news…

Joel Adkins • Westbrook Park United Methodist Church • Sermon • • 66 views • 34:49
Suffering Unjustly 18 Servants, be subject to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the unjust. Christianity did not preach against slavery in Rome, but it overturned slavery in Rome. This truth would take years to do, and in the meanwhile, Christian slaves proved…

Mark series
Aaron Baldridge • First Free Will Baptist Church • Sermon • • 29 views • 30:40
1 And He entered the synagogue again, and a man was there who had a withered hand. 2 So they watched Him closely, whether He would heal him on the Sabbath, so that they might accuse Him. 3 And He said to the man who had the withered hand, “Step forward.” 4 Then He said to them, “Is it lawful on the Sabbath…

Criticizing Jesus: The Words of Jesus
Bryan DeOliviera • Open Door Community Church • Sermon • • 81 views • 22:59
This morning we are continuing series titled Criticizing Jesus: The Words of Jesus. In this five-week series we will look at the criticisms Jesus faced during his ministry. What does each criticism reveal about Jesus’s character, priorities, authority, and mission? If you look at the Gospels you can…

Mark(ed) For Action
Jared Trotter • Crosspoint Community Church • Sermon • • 49 views • 53:10
With Friends Like These - Part 2 Intro ‘Blood is thicker than water.’ Nothing comes between family. Those of you who are part of an adoptive family know there are limits to that statement. Our section of scripture today explores the connections and relations of people and of God. We will look at an uncomfortable…

Jared Clark • Falls Baptist Church • Sermon • • 42 views • 40:02
31 His mother and his brothers came, and standing outside, they sent word to him and called him. 32 A crowd was sitting around him and told him, “Look, your mother, your brothers, and your sisters are outside asking for you.” 33 He replied to them, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” 34 Looking at those…

Gospel of Mark
Jared Clark • Falls Baptist Church • Sermon • • 73 views • 44:43
Irony is defined as contradictory situations reveal a reality that is different from what appears to be true. 20 Jesus entered a house, and the crowd gathered again so that they were not even able to eat. 21 When his family heard this, they set out to restrain him, because they said, “He’s out of his…

Pastor Cal Callison • HOPE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP • Sermon • • 28 views • 43:12
Introduction Good morning and welcome again to this gathering of Hope Bible Fellowship. It’s always such a joy to be here with you. I want to invite you to open your Bibles to Hebrews chapter 2 where we will be today. Last week I started in talking about the Ministries of Jesus. I mentioned that I was…

Gospel of Mark
Jared Clark • Falls Baptist Church • Sermon • • 68 views • 29:48
9 In those days Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized in the Jordan by John. 10 As soon as he came up out of the water, he saw the heavens being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove. 11 And a voice came from heaven: “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well-pleased.”…

Robert Pineiro • Mazie First Baptist • Sermon • • 57 views • 22:21
The Sermon on the Mount Opening Before we dive into the text this morning I would like to say a few things to preface our text. We are going to be talking about standards today, and our habits good or bad stem from our standards, so as Christians where should our standards come from? This is the question…

The Gospel of Mark
Brandon Langley • St. Rose Community Church Sermons • Sermon • • 102 views • 42:09
Introduction: If you have your Bibles let me invite you to open with me to the book of Mark chapter 3. We will begin reading in verse 20 and we will read all the way down to verse 35. 20 Then he went home, and the crowd gathered again, so that they could not even eat. 21 And when his family heard it,…

The One Who
Rev. Christian B Creyer • Sermon • • 331 views • 19:09
Let us pray…Gracious and Loving God, as we come before you this day, our hearts are full of love for you and the life of your Son, our minds are full of the things that we need to do yet today and in this coming week, and our eyes cannot escape all that flashes before them as we scan the TV, computer,…

The One Who
Rev. Christian B Creyer • Sermon • • 207 views • 19:39
Let us pray…Gracious and loving God, as we come before you today, we pray for hearts focused on you, for ears trained to your still speaking voice, and eyes to see clearly the path you have laid before us, Amen. The Invitation I know in the last year this does not or has not happened much but think back…

The One Who
Rev. Christian B Creyer • Sermon • • 84 views • 18:49
Let us pray…Gracious and loving God, as we move further away from your Son’s birth, help us in this day to remember the glow, the excitement, and the joy that came from celebrating his birth. As we come before you today in this time of reflection, open our hearts, minds, and spirits to your still speaking…

Mike Nasci • Calvary Chapel Estancia Valley • Sermon • • 434 views • 57:22
Pasor Mike finishes Mark chapter 3, reading verse by verse

Ron • Lighthouse International Fellowship • Sermon • • 1,407 views • 35:09
Palm Sunday Foretold by the Prophets 9 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; He is just and endowed with salvation, Humble, and mounted on a donkey, Even on a colt, the foal of a donkey. 22 The stone which the builders rejected…

Ron • Lighthouse International Fellowship • Sermon • • 1,169 views • 40:00
Where do we start? 10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. 10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments; His praise endures forever. What do we tend to fear? The unknown…

Journey with Jesus
Joseph Campbell • South Charlotte Baptist Church • Sermon • • 96 views • 35:16
Prayer Requests/Announcements Bill Sturgis had an angiogram done on his right leg. They found 90 percent blockage. They placed a stent. His other leg is in the same condition and they will address it at a later date. Tana Christian has had an upcoming surgery postponed until May. Pray for the family…

The Gospel of Mark
Christopher J. Dewar • City Church Canton • Sermon • • 209 views • 34:28
Mark 3:13-35 Called Out Have you ever heeded a call? A request for volunteers, a step out in faith, to take some action you know would be extremely difficult, but you know you are supposed to do? And he went up on the mountain and called to him those whom he desired, and they came to him. And he appointed…

Book of Mark
Pastor Chris Pawlowski • Dishman Baptist Church • Sermon • • 84 views • 37:10
Introduction Good Morning everyone. First I would like to thank you all again for coming here today. Whether it is in person here or online. Welcome. We are going to continue with the book of Mark this morning. So far Jesus has started his ministry and left his home town and he went to Cap Er Num. While…

Jesus is ...
Robert K. Storey • River Church NOLA • Sermon • • 3,304 views • 39:40
Series that will take us to Easter Sunday. FRAN - people will come to church on Easter more than any other time. A lot of people have ideas about Jesus but they are not based on the Bible. They are based on tradition, culture, Christmas stories… movies. 1 Y ou’ll remember, friends, that when I first…