(1,669 results)

The Gospel of Mark
Jeremy Spence • First Baptist Church St. Paris • Sermon • • 28 views • 31:58
“Enemies” are easy to come by. Now I am not necessarily talking about those who are out to get us or destroy us. Instead I am talking about those who we disagree with. We all deal with many pressures. Daily live is filled with pressures. Sometimes it may seem like we are living in a pressure cooker.…

The Gospels in chronological order
Chris Pickel • BFM Bible Study • Sermon • • 116 views • 1:54:09
The Purpose Fascination - Discovery - Identity - Authenticity One day, Napoleon was speaking of the Divinity of Christ; when General Bertrand said:— “I can not conceive, sire, how a great man like you can believe that the Supreme Being ever exhibited himself to men under a human form, with a body, a…

Matt Wilson • Antioch Odessa • Sermon • • 16 views • 1:20:49
Good Morning grab your Bibles and turn with me to Luke chapter 4. This morning I want for us to take a look into the ministry of Christ as He begins to not only authoritatively teach, but also heal those who were possessed. There were many times throughout the Lord’s ministry that we see Him dealing…

Brit Chadashah 24-25
Pastor Omar Portillo • Goshen Renewal Ministries • Sermon • • 10 views • 3:57:05
Review Tanakh Brit Hadoshah Eber (ebur) I AM (grafted) Brit Chadasha - He appeared have life Brit Chadashah: ( John 4:3-14 ) Tribulation A New Moon Anani Introduction Summary Torah Portion: ( Gen 28:10-32:3 ) 10 Now Jacob went out from Beersheba and went toward Haran. 1 So Jacob went on his way, and…

The Gospel of Mark
Jeremy Spence • First Baptist Church St. Paris • Sermon • • 17 views • 31:10
Jesus came to do “new” things. He was bringing new life, new love, new grace. Jesus does “new” things. The Gospel of Mark exists to help us be faithful. We must remember why it was written. Early Christians needed the encouragement on who Jesus is so they could keep moving and living out the Kingdom…

The Gospel According to Mark
Kenn Chipchase • Pillar Fellowship • Sermon • • 40 views • 36:58
Jesus Christ, Superstar. That was the title of a Broadway musical, and eventually film back in the 70s. I personally have never seen this, but according the worlds foremost authority on everything and most trusted source for all facts, wikipedia. This rock-opera interprets the psychology of Jesus and…

Jason Hovde • Oasis Church • Sermon • • 51 views • 26:25
This morning we look at a short passage that contains some of Luke’s first accounts of Jesus healing people. We looked a few weeks ago at Jesus rebuking a demon and casting him out of a man in the synagogue. Our passage today is a continuance of the narrative of events that happened the same day. So…

The Gospel According to Mark
Kenn Chipchase • Pillar Fellowship • Sermon • • 169 views • 43:36
Why are you a Christian? Now, this is assuming that you are a Christian. Are you? Why do you call yourself one? You might say “because its true” to which I reply. What is true? What do you hope to get out of your faith? What do you hope to get out of obeying what the Scriptures teach One of, if not THE,…

Mark series
Aaron Baldridge • First Free Will Baptist Church • Sermon • • 29 views • 30:40
1 And He entered the synagogue again, and a man was there who had a withered hand. 2 So they watched Him closely, whether He would heal him on the Sabbath, so that they might accuse Him. 3 And He said to the man who had the withered hand, “Step forward.” 4 Then He said to them, “Is it lawful on the Sabbath…

Jared Clark • Falls Baptist Church • Sermon • • 42 views • 40:02
31 His mother and his brothers came, and standing outside, they sent word to him and called him. 32 A crowd was sitting around him and told him, “Look, your mother, your brothers, and your sisters are outside asking for you.” 33 He replied to them, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” 34 Looking at those…

Gospel of Mark
Jared Clark • Falls Baptist Church • Sermon • • 68 views • 29:48
9 In those days Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized in the Jordan by John. 10 As soon as he came up out of the water, he saw the heavens being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove. 11 And a voice came from heaven: “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well-pleased.”…

Dave Wright • D.E.C. Dallas Evangelical Church • Sermon • • 83 views • 27:24
Following Jesus ministry journey through the Gospel of Mark

The One Who
Rev. Christian B Creyer • Sermon • • 331 views • 19:09
Let us pray…Gracious and Loving God, as we come before you this day, our hearts are full of love for you and the life of your Son, our minds are full of the things that we need to do yet today and in this coming week, and our eyes cannot escape all that flashes before them as we scan the TV, computer,…

The One Who
Rev. Christian B Creyer • Sermon • • 207 views • 19:39
Let us pray…Gracious and loving God, as we come before you today, we pray for hearts focused on you, for ears trained to your still speaking voice, and eyes to see clearly the path you have laid before us, Amen. The Invitation I know in the last year this does not or has not happened much but think back…

The One Who
Rev. Christian B Creyer • Sermon • • 84 views • 18:49
Let us pray…Gracious and loving God, as we move further away from your Son’s birth, help us in this day to remember the glow, the excitement, and the joy that came from celebrating his birth. As we come before you today in this time of reflection, open our hearts, minds, and spirits to your still speaking…

Ron • Lighthouse International Fellowship • Sermon • • 1,407 views • 35:09
Palm Sunday Foretold by the Prophets 9 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; He is just and endowed with salvation, Humble, and mounted on a donkey, Even on a colt, the foal of a donkey. 22 The stone which the builders rejected…

Ron • Lighthouse International Fellowship • Sermon • • 1,169 views • 40:00
Where do we start? 10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. 10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments; His praise endures forever. What do we tend to fear? The unknown…

Journey with Jesus
Joseph Campbell • South Charlotte Baptist Church • Sermon • • 96 views • 35:16
Prayer Requests/Announcements Bill Sturgis had an angiogram done on his right leg. They found 90 percent blockage. They placed a stent. His other leg is in the same condition and they will address it at a later date. Tana Christian has had an upcoming surgery postponed until May. Pray for the family…

Chris Pawlowski • Dishman Baptist Church • Sermon • • 1,555 views • 42:34
Introduction Good morning and welcome to Dishman Baptist Church on this snowy weekend. It is always a privilege to be with you and to open the Word of God with you but on weekends like this when weather could have prevented it, it is that much sweeter to be together in the house of the Lord. Please take…

The Gospel of Mark
Pastor Kevin Cowdrey • Calvary Baptist Church Spalding • Sermon • • 79 views • 48:18
I wonder do you remember the TV show Cheers, It had that very catchy theme tune Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got. Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot. Wouldn't you like to get away? Sometimes you want to go Where everybody knows your name, and they're…

Jonathan Anderson • Faith Baptist Church • Sermon • • 7 views • 47:21
“The hinge of history is on the door of a Bethlehem stable.” — Ralph W. Sockman The Bible tells one big story. It’s God’s story, and it is the central story of the universe. What does this illustration represent? This might be the most amazing data picture you see in a lifetime! It shows the 63,779 cross-references…

Scott Jerrell • Mt Carmel Baptist Church Woodway • Sermon • • 10 views • 44:19
Stephen’s message was God’s final invitation to Israel. If Israel rejected the message, God would turn elsewhere to root and ground His church. The terrible tragedy is that Israel did reject the message; in fact Israel killed Stephen and launched a savage persecution against the church, attempting to…

Joshua Putnam • First Baptist Church • Sermon • • 8 views • 26:31
For our appeal does not spring from error or impurity or any attempt to deceive, but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts. For we never came with words of flattery, as you know, nor with a pretext…

Month of May
Mike Lehman • Abiding Faith Bible Church • Sermon • • 18 views • 57:42
For the past several weeks, we’ve walked through various TOPICS... various ANCHORS of Christianity And being something that we do every year... VISITING these topics in this way... SO FAR…we’ve covered... The Anchor of Prayer Anchor of Faith Anchor of Giving (last week) And now - this week - we come…