(1,325 results)

John A. Murphy, Jr. • MISSION WOODS CHURCH • Sermon • • 106 views • 54:59
Many of us remember a rhyme from our grade school playground: “Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me.” We all probably know that this rhyme is not entirely true. Robert Fulghum in his book, All I Ever Really Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, turned that phrase a bit…

Pastor Mike • First Baptist Church • Sermon • • 8 views • 47:59
Last few weeks, we have given much time to talking about the one another’s of scripture. A message that if we are being honest is not just good but vital. It’s a primary topic of the Bible. There are literally hundreds of one-another verses in scripture. Obviously we don’t have the time to talk about…

Christian Maturity
Pastor Kevin T. Brown • Naalehu Assembly of God • Sermon • • 18 views • 36:46
15 Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall…

Andrew Herring • Mazie First Baptist • Sermon • • 24 views • 39:22
Today we are taking a pause from Hebrews to talk about something God has laid on my heart. I watched a short video clip of a panel of pastors during a Q&A session. An individual asked the question of the panel, “what is the greatest threat to the church in our generation?” the pastors answered “its pastors”…

Matt Wilson • Antioch Odessa • Sermon • • 32 views • 1:27:34
There is a lot of foolish decisions and behavior happening in our world today. Take a look around. What is happening in our country and even in our world is just foolishness. Starting with our children who are being told as early as 5 years old that they may not be a girl when God created them as a girl,…

God’s way to Health, Wealth and Wisdom
Robert K. Storey • River Church NOLA • Sermon • • 28 views • 47:06
A lot of people read a prover each day to coincide with the day of the month that it is. Today would be Proverbs 1 … I would recomend you do that because there is so much wisdom in the book of Proverbs. Solomon states the purpose of the Proverbs right from the beginning. Look at Pro 1:1-7 1 These are…

Life in 6 Words
Chad Tittle • Grace & Truth Church • Sermon • • 219 views • 28:09
Today we are wrapping up this six part study of the Good News called, “Life in 6 Words.” We get these six words by using the word “Gospel” as an acrostic. As a way of review, let’s walk through these six words one final time… G - God created us to be with Him. ( Genesis 1-2 ) O - Our sins separate us…

Proverbs: Living Like You Love Jesus
Brian Manning • Willetton Bible Baptist Church • Sermon • • 59 views • 47:29
Introduction E.g. Chasing the jet ski Fell off jet ski & had to keep swimming after it as it ‘snaked’ its way up the river By the time I caught it I was too exhausted and annoyed to keep going so I went back For many people happiness, contentment, satisfaction in life seems like chasing the jet ski It…

Proverbs: Living Like You Love Jesus
Brian Manning • Willetton Bible Baptist Church • Sermon • • 23 views • 1:23:02
Introduction Sometimes these sayings sum up why the world is the way it is: I took an IQ test and the results were negative Most uncommon thing in the world is common sense Despite how frustrating people can be most of us want to live well and make good decisions Most people want wisdom and understanding…

Pastor Kevin T. Brown • Naalehu Assembly of God • Sermon • • 414 views • 38:41
1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable…

Not So Secret Sauce
Pastor Tony Whitehead • Bonham Community Church • Sermon • • 37 views • 51:15
There was a company that wanted to improve efficiency and performance… So, they called in a consultant… The consultants job was to evaluate, encourage, and improve employee performance… So, he did what all good consultants do, he called a meeting… He brought all the company personnel together… Stressing…

Proverbs - Wisdom for life
Malcolm Lithgow • Renew Discipleship Gold Coast • Sermon • • 192 views • 20:00
Proverbs is a difficult book, full of contradictions, puzzles and straightforward no-brainers.
How should a Christian treat this ancient collection of wisdom? Does it have any value for us in the distant 21st Century, almost three millenia removed from its origins?
Join us as we introduce our study on Proverbs, wisdom for life.

Pastor Kevin T. Brown • Naalehu Assembly of God • Sermon • • 58 views • 34:04
21 Then Jesus went out from there and departed to the region of Tyre and Sidon. 22 And behold, a woman of Canaan came from that region and cried out to Him, saying, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! My daughter is severely demon-possessed.” 23 But He answered her not a word. And His disciples…

Fool Proof
Pat Damiani • Thornydale Family Church • Sermon • • 59 views • 31:38
NOTE: This is a manuscript, and not a transcript of this message. The actual presentation of the message differed from the manuscript through the leading of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is possible, and even likely that there is material in this manuscript that was not included in the live presentation…

The School of Life
Fletcher Price • Gateway Chapel • Sermon • • 131 views • 47:03
Good morning, Gateway! Psalm 34:1-6 Pray Intro I remember a car ride home with my mom from church when I was about 12 and I was a real know-it-all. Our church just got a new youth pastor, and my mom was asking me about the service. “How’d it go? What’d you think of the new guy?” “He seems nice, but I…

Jonathan Smith • Freedom Baptist Church • Sermon • • 675 views • 40:02
Signs Of An Idiot Attention Getter: Why the need for Guru’s Jordan Peterson - Male Responsibility; Dave Ramsey - Financial Responsibility; The Entire self -help section. Introduce Topic: People are looking for practical answers to real questions and problems. Scripture: Background: Challenge Audience:…

Keith Larson • Greene Valley Presbyterian Church • Sermon • • 97 views • 26:53
Our Scripture lesson comes from 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 and 1 Corinthians 12:28-31 : Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. To each is…

Bible Boot Camp
Jesse Hammonds • First Baptist Church Three Rivers • Sermon • • 449 views • 36:53
Today we are going to look at the book of Proverbs. Proverbs are a powerful literary device because they are often so short and memorable, yet contain profound truths. Proverbs seek to dispense wisdom. Knowledge and wisdom are not the same thing. One may have knowledge and no wisdom, but one cannot have…

Word to the Wise
Justin Smith • Warwick Baptist Church • Sermon • • 81 views • 37:01
The Beginning of Knowledge School House Rock Knowledge is Power! 1 The proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel: 2 To know wisdom and instruction, to understand words of insight, 3 to receive instruction in wise dealing, in righteousness, justice, and equity; 4 to give prudence to the simple,…

Decisions, Decisions
Bryan DeOliviera • Open Door Community Church • Sermon • • 297 views • 15:30
This morning we are starting a new series, Decisions, Decisions: Biblical Wisdom for Life’s Choices. The Bible doesn’t give us definitive answers for every decision we face in life or turn-by-turn directions for our proverbial journeys. You won’t find a verse about where to go to school, whether or not…

Preaching Through The Bible
Gabriel Hilleson • Paw Paw Bible Church • Sermon • • 68 views • 42:22
1 The proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel: 2 To know wisdom and instruction, to understand words of insight, 3 to receive instruction in wise dealing, in righteousness, justice, and equity; 4 to give prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the youth— 5 Let the wise hear and…

Preaching Through The Bible
Jedidiah Cary • Paw Paw Bible Church • Sermon • • 145 views • 42:06
What are some colloquial sayings we use to get a point across? 1 The proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel: 2 To know wisdom and instruction, to understand words of insight, 3 to receive instruction in wise dealing, in righteousness, justice, and equity; 4 to give prudence to the simple,…

Pastor Ethan Kallberg • Lamoille Valley Grace Brethren Church • Sermon • • 147 views • 46:46
1. Pleasantness (17-18) 17 Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise, And apply your mind to my knowledge; 18 For it will be pleasant if you keep them within you, That they may be ready on your lips. Keep them withing you for the purpose of putting them into practice in your life “on your lips”…

Ray Casper • Bethel Baptist Church of Tillamook, OR • Sermon • • 72 views • 43:50
Exodus 18:1–27 Two different responses to the work of the LORD: 1) Rejection, antagonism, aggression 2) Rejoicing, receptive, anticipation I. Reunion with Moses’s Midianite family, 18:1-7. Verse 1 Midian (Midianites) is the descendant of Abraham and Keturah. At this time, Jethro and the Midianites seem…

Pastor Kevin T. Brown • Naalehu Assembly of God • Sermon • • 47 views • 28:35
Bible Engagement Today we will study Bible Engagement ++What do we mean by Bible Engagement? ++What does it accomplish? ++How do I do it? ++Nuts and Bolts Bible engagement position the scripture The Bible is important The Bible is to be Studied The Bible is the Word of God 15 Study to shew thyself approved…