(801 results)

Here Be Dragons
Matthew Holmes • Turner Christian Church • Sermon • • 14 views • 43:52
They recognized God’s POWER and ORDER in creation around them. Psalms 93 , 29 , 104; The Lord reigns! He is robed in majesty; the Lord is robed, enveloped in strength. The world is firmly established; it cannot be shaken. Your throne has been established from the beginning; you are from eternity. The…

Life in 6 Words
Chad Tittle • Grace & Truth Church • Sermon • • 226 views • 28:09
Today we are wrapping up this six part study of the Good News called, “Life in 6 Words.” We get these six words by using the word “Gospel” as an acrostic. As a way of review, let’s walk through these six words one final time… G - God created us to be with Him. ( Genesis 1-2 ) O - Our sins separate us…

Pastor Jeremy Wallace • Mills Memorial Baptist Church • Sermon • • 16 views • 27:18
Psalm 144 When I was a kid there was a song that I heard somewhat often by tour groups from various Bible colleges that would visit our church. I remember we used to have a cassette tape of one tour group that we would listen to a lot. It’s actually an old hymn. The song is: I Am on the Battlefield for…

A Summer in Psalms - Book 5
Brandon Edmunds • Redeemer Bible Church • Sermon • • 81 views • 34:04
There is the story of a man who turned to God as his rock and fortress, echoing the prayer of David in Psalm 144 . His name was Richard Wurmbrand. Wurmbrand, a Romanian pastor of Jewish descent, lived in a time of turmoil and oppression in the mid-20th century. He was a man who knew the true meaning…

Chad Tittle • Grace & Truth Church • Sermon • • 29 views • 28:17
The Inspired Warrior Today we are wrapping up the “Warrior” series. Throughout this series we have talked about the warrior in all of us. As a follower of Christ, you are a warrior. God Himself is described in scripture as a warrior. He chose you and, through Christ, gave you His strength, the strength…

Chad Tittle • Grace & Truth Church • Sermon • • 68 views • 31:12
The Vulnerable Warrior Good morning warriors! We’ve been studying warriors. Scripture says that the LORD is a warrior. God came to us as a warrior wielding a sword. A sword sharper than any other sword ever made. His sword cuts between soul and spirit, joint and marrow, and exposes inner most thoughts…

Chad Tittle • Grace & Truth Church • Sermon • • 60 views • 30:16
The Hesitant Warrior Let me start off today by telling you about a Minnesota couple... A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out during a particularly icy winter. They planned to stay at the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years earlier. Because of their hectic schedules,…

Chad Tittle • Grace & Truth Church • Sermon • • 186 views • 28:33
I am very excited to kick off a new series with you today. This series is based on a Life Church series that I have been wanting to share for a very long time. The series is called Warrior. Just out of curiosity, raise your hand if you would say, “ Man, that’s me. I AM a WARRIOR! ” Warriors, what is…

Derrick Trent • Goshen Heartland Christian Church - Full Services • Sermon • • 18 views • 1:55:47
Title : Living an Effective and Productive Life Text : 2 Peter 1:3-11 INTRODUCTION Let’s turn together in our Bibles to 2nd Peter. 2nd Peter chapter 1 . & we’re gonna read verses 3-11 . 2nd Peter 1:3-11 . & when you find that in your Bible Pls stand for the reading of God’s Word. The title of today’s…

B'reisheet - 2022-2023
Pastor Omar Portillo • Goshen Renewal Ministries • Sermon • • 20 views • 3:20:15
This Torah Portion: Gen 28:10-32:3 Hosea 12:13-14:9 John 1:41-51 Introduction In the previous Torah portions we talked about God calling Abraham out of his country and family We also heard how God also uses his daughters - a couple of weeks ago: Sarah - Abraham’s wife Last week we also examined the role…

Our Songs of Faith
Samuel E. P. Lindsay • Flooding Creek (FCCC) • Sermon • • 272 views • 32:36
Intro From Gilgamesh to Agamemnon, From Aragorn to Paul Muad’dib, From Richard the Lionheart to Vladimir Putin, The warrior king has a deep and abiding appeal to humanity. The warrior king motif touches on our deepest desires. Whether we would announce it or not, we feel the great need for protection…

Ron • Lighthouse International Fellowship • Sermon • • 55 views • 48:23
What does it mean to win? The opportunity to win must start with a contest or a battle The foundation for a contest or battle, is opposition The purpose for a contest or a battle is to conquer What are we fighting for? What is our end goal? 12 Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life…

Psalms of Lament
Rev. Christian B Creyer • Sermon • • 412 views • 13:37
Let us pray…Gracious and loving God, we come before you today with Joy in our hearts. Joy for being in this space together. Joy for being able to be together. And joy for the day itself which represents the day in which our new lives can begin. We thank you and praise you this day for all these things…

Psalms of Lament
Rev. Christian B Creyer • Sermon • • 210 views • 18:58
Let us pray…Gracious and loving God, on this day that we celebrate Christ’s arrival in Jerusalem and immediately move to his passion, we ask that you help us to open our hearts, minds and spirits to your still speaking voice above the din of all other voices in our hearts, minds, and spirits so that…

Psalms of Lament
Rev. Christian B Creyer • Sermon • • 237 views • 21:33
Let us pray…God, may the words of my mouth, the meditations of all of our hearts, and the willingness of our spirits be pleasing unto you this day. Today’s time of reflection on this Psalm is going to be a bit different for us. I know I typically spend time relating the scripture to our lives but I want…

Psalms of Lament
Rev. Christian B Creyer • Sermon • • 174 views • 19:40
Let us pray…Gracious and loving God, as we gather this day, we are reminded that your love knows no limits and no bounds. Help us in this time to remember and reflect on this idea so that we can find comfort and peace in a time that is out of our control, and remind us that your time is perfect. Now,…

Psalms of Lament
Rev. Christian B Creyer • Sermon • • 285 views • 19:00
Let us pray…Gracious and loving God, on this first Sunday in Lent, we are standing at the stream of life and longing for your presence amongst us in this time that seems to be a never ending period of grief, despair, sorrow, and sadness. We are ready to celebrate and be able to praise you once again.…

Ron • Lighthouse International Fellowship • Sermon • • 196 views • 53:16
4 Say to those with anxious heart, “Take courage, fear not. Behold, your God will come with vengeance; The recompense of God will come, But He will save you.” 13 Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation…

Brother Pope • New Hope Tabernacle • Sermon • • 454 views • 29:20
Matthew 21:21–22 21 Then Jesus told them, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don’t doubt, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. 22 You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you…

Psalms Series
Joshua Umbriaco • Cornerstone Community Church of Iron Mountain • Sermon • • 389 views • 36:00
This morning, I want to begin a series in the book of Psalms by asking you a peculiar question: "Why are we so tired all the time?" I’m tired of this pandemic! I’m sick of wearing masks everywhere I go, I’m tired of social distancing and what it does to the local church. This seems to be a shared problem…

Bishop R.A. Nichols THD • Church On The Rock-Abilene • Sermon • • 2,590 views • 46:16
1 Blessed be the Lord my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle— When God starts to water your life, the enemy will attack. there is a place in the dessert that you can find refreshment it is called an oasis. another thing that you can find in an oasis is violence. when the children…

Ron • Lighthouse International Fellowship • Sermon • • 589 views • 52:39
Army Navy Marine Corps Air Force Warrior Battle Resist Soldier Fight 1fight \ˈfīt\ verb 1 a: to contend in battle or physical combat especially : to strive to overcome a person by blows or weapons 2fight noun 1 a: a hostile encounter : battle, combat Do you have Fight in you? Should you have Fight in…

Psalms of Meaning
Rev Stephen Thomas • Renew Baptist Church • Sermon • • 23 views • 26:12
In every culture there is a belief, a legend, a myth which grows over time and becomes part of the nations psych. In Australia we are familier with this concept. We have the idea of “a fair go for all” The idea of mateship. The legend of the ANZACs. We love a sunburt country, a land of sweeping plains,…

Life in 6 Words
Chad Tittle • Grace & Truth Church • Sermon • • 96 views • 28:58
Today we are starting a series that I hope you will find interesting and engaging, but above all my hope and prayer is that this series will be a tool that God will use in your life to reach a lost and dying world. Today we are going to go back to basics and study the Good News. If you don’t feel comfortable…

Jonathan Anderson • Faith Baptist Church • Sermon • • 7 views • 47:21
“The hinge of history is on the door of a Bethlehem stable.” — Ralph W. Sockman The Bible tells one big story. It’s God’s story, and it is the central story of the universe. What does this illustration represent? This might be the most amazing data picture you see in a lifetime! It shows the 63,779 cross-references…