(1,894 results)
Psalms of Meaning, Walking through Psalms - Suffering
Rev Stephen Thomas • Renew Baptist Church • Sermon • • 23 views • 20:14
King David went through some really tough times, times of great sorrow and distress. Times when he felt attacked from every side and that things were never going to improve. In fact at times he despaired for his life. Now you may have felt like the whole world has been closing in on you at times, most…
Pastor Mike • First Baptist Church • Sermon • • 6 views • 55:53
It was about 5 months ago, that an opportunity arose for someone to fill in for the adult Sunday School class as Lanny was finishing up the study of the book of Philippians and was in need a few weeks break while he was away. A though intrigued me for quiet some time about the why and the what of our…
Life in 6 Words
Chad Tittle • Grace & Truth Church • Sermon • • 199 views • 28:09
Today we are wrapping up this six part study of the Good News called, “Life in 6 Words.” We get these six words by using the word “Gospel” as an acrostic. As a way of review, let’s walk through these six words one final time… G - God created us to be with Him. ( Genesis 1-2 ) O - Our sins separate us…
Matt Wilson • Antioch Odessa • Sermon • • 26 views • 1:21:32
Introduction: This Psalm is a song and it is much like Psalm 27 which is composed of two different sections. The first section which comes to us from verses 1-10 show us just how thankful the Psalmist is for God’s salvation. On the back half of this Psalm which includes verses 11-17 we see an individual…
Psummer in the Psalms
Barrett Case • Rich Hill Christian Church • Sermon • • 13 views • 27:44
I love the psalms; that’s no secret. It’s not my favorite book in the Bible (that would be Judges), but if I could only preach from one book of the Bible, I’d probably pick Psalms. I’d pick Psalms because it covers the widest range of emotion and greatest variety of content and every single psalm points…
Epiphany--Jesus Appears
Pastor Greg Stenzel • Christ Lutheran Church & School • Sermon • • 39 views • 21:04
Look! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. For centuries Israel offered sacrifices to God for sin. Over and over, blood flowed, testifying that the penalty of sin was death. But over and over, a substitute stood in place of the sinner. Countless animals died under the priestly knife as…
Haggai | Now Is The Time
Joshua Putnam • First Baptist Church • Sermon • • 33 views • 49:43
10 On the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, in the second year of Darius, the word of the Lord came by Haggai the prophet, 11 “Thus says the Lord of hosts: Ask the priests about the law: 12 ‘If someone carries holy meat in the fold of his garment and touches with his fold bread or stew or wine or…
John Radzikowski • First Community Church • Sermon • • 74 views • 1:37:52
Introduction Good morning and welcome to First Community Church. Today, is August 1st and here at FCC we like to take communion together as brothers and sisters to remember Jesus’ broken body and poured out blood for us on Calvary, and also to look forward to his soon return. If you are a believer you…
Jason Grissom • Eureka Baptist Church • Sermon • • 119 views • unknown
The late Supreme Court Justice, Louis Brandeis, said to his frustrated, impatient daughter, “My dear, if you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you.” Jesus told the disciples to expect trials. He begins John 16 by stating “I have said all these things to you to…
Psalms of Lament
Rev. Christian B Creyer • Sermon • • 406 views • 13:37
Let us pray…Gracious and loving God, we come before you today with Joy in our hearts. Joy for being in this space together. Joy for being able to be together. And joy for the day itself which represents the day in which our new lives can begin. We thank you and praise you this day for all these things…
Psalms of Lament
Rev. Christian B Creyer • Sermon • • 208 views • 18:58
Let us pray…Gracious and loving God, on this day that we celebrate Christ’s arrival in Jerusalem and immediately move to his passion, we ask that you help us to open our hearts, minds and spirits to your still speaking voice above the din of all other voices in our hearts, minds, and spirits so that…
Psalms of Lament
Rev. Christian B Creyer • Sermon • • 233 views • 21:33
Let us pray…God, may the words of my mouth, the meditations of all of our hearts, and the willingness of our spirits be pleasing unto you this day. Today’s time of reflection on this Psalm is going to be a bit different for us. I know I typically spend time relating the scripture to our lives but I want…
Psalms of Lament
Rev. Christian B Creyer • Sermon • • 173 views • 19:40
Let us pray…Gracious and loving God, as we gather this day, we are reminded that your love knows no limits and no bounds. Help us in this time to remember and reflect on this idea so that we can find comfort and peace in a time that is out of our control, and remind us that your time is perfect. Now,…
Psalms of Lament
Rev. Christian B Creyer • Sermon • • 282 views • 19:00
Let us pray…Gracious and loving God, on this first Sunday in Lent, we are standing at the stream of life and longing for your presence amongst us in this time that seems to be a never ending period of grief, despair, sorrow, and sadness. We are ready to celebrate and be able to praise you once again.…
Alan Daws • Parkland First Baptist Church • Sermon • • 1,278 views • 55:06
Introduction We in a series on Thanksgiving We need to be thankful for answered prayer Forgiveness God’s future help Today we’ll focus on being thankful for God’s faithfulness. What is faithfulness? It is “maintaining faith or allegiance; showing a strong sense of duty or conscientiousness.” There is…
Psalms Series
Joshua Umbriaco • Cornerstone Community Church of Iron Mountain • Sermon • • 389 views • 36:00
This morning, I want to begin a series in the book of Psalms by asking you a peculiar question: "Why are we so tired all the time?" I’m tired of this pandemic! I’m sick of wearing masks everywhere I go, I’m tired of social distancing and what it does to the local church. This seems to be a shared problem…
Sunday AM
Joseph Campbell • South Charlotte Baptist Church • Sermon • • 43 views • 45:32
Turn to and read Romans 12:1-2 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove…
The God Who Is
David Thomas • FHCC • Sermon • • 265 views • 33:54
God's Wisdom fills His people wiht song and wonder.
How to Live Through a Bad Day
Robert K. Storey • River Church NOLA • Sermon • • 141 views • 33:54
We are taking the statements Jesus made on the cross and using them to study how Jesus handled the worst day of His life. 2 Keep your eyes on Jesus , who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and…
Jesus in the Old Testament
Pat Damiani • Thornydale Family Church • Sermon • • 14 views • 31:30
NOTE: This is a manuscript, and not a transcript of this message. The actual presentation of the message differed from the manuscript through the leading of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is possible, and even likely that there is material in this manuscript that was not included in the live presentation…
Psalms of Meaning
Rev Stephen Thomas • Renew Baptist Church • Sermon • • 11 views • 19:42
A wise person plays the long game. They don’t get distracted by the latest fad or fashion. They know what it is they are chasing and they are willing to work very hard to achieve it. They are willing to take risks, they are willing to sieze opportunities that come along, but only if those risks and opportunities…
Adam Johnson • Calvary Foursquare Church • Sermon • • 16 views • 53:54
This summer we are studying the book of Psalms - spending time with perhaps the most emotional man of God to walk the earth. From David, and the other composers of these Psalms, we are learning how to be people of God. What it really looks like. We have seen what it looks like to pray in times of hurt…
A Summer in Psalms
Pastor Scott • First Baptist Church of Belmont • Sermon • • 6 views • 41:29
Introduction The LORD directed me to this passage of Scripture in my devotions this morning - and I didn’t get 4-5 verses in when I knew I would be preaching from this psalm. As I began to break down the psalm and really take a look at what it is communicating, the only Title that I found fitting was…
Psalms of Meaning
Rev Stephen Thomas • Renew Baptist Church • Sermon • • 22 views • 26:12
In every culture there is a belief, a legend, a myth which grows over time and becomes part of the nations psych. In Australia we are familier with this concept. We have the idea of “a fair go for all” The idea of mateship. The legend of the ANZACs. We love a sunburt country, a land of sweeping plains,…
Life in 6 Words
Chad Tittle • Grace & Truth Church • Sermon • • 74 views • 28:58
Today we are starting a series that I hope you will find interesting and engaging, but above all my hope and prayer is that this series will be a tool that God will use in your life to reach a lost and dying world. Today we are going to go back to basics and study the Good News. If you don’t feel comfortable…