(2,699 results)
The Revelation of Jesus Christ Series
Pastor Jed Johnston • A Place Of Grace • Sermon • • 12 views • 40:20
What would it look like to be in a dead church??? Their pastor graduated from a theological cemetery. They sing “Amazing Grave, How Sweet the Ground.” You might describe their worship as stiff. At the Rapture, they’ll be the first churches taken up because the Bible says, “The dead in Christ shall rise…
Andy Richmond • Sylvania Wesleyan Church 1 • Sermon • • 22 views • 31:42
Good morning. I am so glad that we can be here together this morning. As we have journeyed in Revelation I realized that we have been doing a lot of set up and overview of the book so far. If I am honest with you this is very intentional. Due to the nature of what Revelation is we can’t escape that it…
The Seven Churches of Revelation
Ronnie ledbetter • FBC Lorenzo • Sermon • • 33 views • 37:58
Introduction: Astronomers tell us that the light from a star takes years to reach the earth. So when a star dies it could be years before we would ever know it becasue the light form the star would keep pouring down onto the earth for years. The church at Sardis was like that. On the outside everything…
Haftarah 2023-2024
Pastor Omar Portillo • Goshen Renewal Ministries • Sermon • • 21 views • 3:29:29
Torah Portion: Numbers 8:1-12:16 Haftarah: Zechariah 2:10-4:7 Review Map of the Journey in the Wilderness Picture of the Priesthood of Zadok - righteous Sons of Levi/ Priesthood Genealogy Picture Sons of Levi: nazir Nazareth Nazir nṣr Introduction Torah Portion: Numbers 8:1-12:16 Haftarah: Zechariah…
Galatians : No Turning Back
Pastor Kyle Gilstrap • Whitehall Baptist Church • Sermon • • 14 views • 42:22
TEXT: GALATIANS 5:21 | ASSURED AND SURRENDERED INTRO ILLUSTRATION : Kynoa losing her tooth in her cake pop She lost it without even realizing it. EXPLANATION : Upon first glance and without careful reading and study of this passage, it would seem that Paul is now telling us that we can lose our salvation…
Marcos R Ferreira • Galion Alliance Church • Sermon • • 13 views • 38:30
1 “And to the angel of the church in Sardis write: ‘The words of him who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. “ ‘I know your works. You have the reputation of being alive, but you are dead. 2 Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your works complete…
All Things Future
Donny Haynes • Kentucky MBC • Sermon • • 15 views • 52:37
24 Elders Listed 4 times in the Book of Revelation. Revelation 4:4 (KJV 1900) 4 And round about the throne were four and twenty seats : and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting , clothed in white raiment ; and they had on their heads crowns of gold . Revelation 4:10–11 (KJV 1900) 10 The…
Jon Gruss • Allegan Bible Church • Sermon • • 15 views • 34:48
INTRO The glory of Sardis lay in the past. In the sixth century b.c, she had been the capital city of the kingdom of Lydia and later a center of Persian government. In New Testament times she had sunk to relative obscurity. William Ramsey describes Sardis as “a relic of the period of barbaric warfare,…
Greg Woolf • Connect Church • Sermon • • 29 views • 28:49
This is the first Sunday in November. Early this morning we all set our clocks back. We had our first true frost of the year this past week. Everything that was alive is dead. Have you ever seen something that looks alive but it is completely dead on the inside. I have seen trees that on the outside…
Letters from Christ
Matthew Douglas • Living Hope Baptist Church • Sermon • • 30 views • 49:28
We continue to study what the Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit says to the churches. To do so, we deepen our understanding of what God wants in His church today! In so many ways, churches today are like these 7 churches recorded here. God is aware of what the church is like, and where He wants it to…
Letters To the Churches-Revelation 2 & #
Jeremy Spence • First Baptist Church St. Paris • Sermon • • 26 views • 33:41
Sleep is essential. One of the most important thing we can do for ourselves is get adequate amount of sleep. Now I admit this is not something I always do well, never had and trying to change that. Reputations focus on the past. This is not necessarily a bad thing and actually is most helpful. However,…
Jedidiah Cary • Paw Paw Bible Church • Sermon • • 24 views • 30:31
Jesus’ outline of Revelation: - Revelation 1:19 . What was seen: Jesus Glorified - Revelation 1:9-20 . What is: the Seven Churches - Revelation 2-3 . What will be: Jesus’ judgement in the seven seals, trumpets and bowls. Revelation 4-22 . Revelation 3:1 . 1 “And to the angel of the church in Sardis write:…
Jedidiah Cary • Paw Paw Bible Church • Sermon • • 83 views • 41:09
1 The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his servants the things that must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, 2 who bore witness to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, even to all that he saw. 3 Blessed is the one who reads…
Worship - Grow - Love - Serve
Dustin Mace • Buffalo Baptist Church • Sermon • • 71 views • 32:43
When I was 36 years old, I went for a physical examination. It was the first one I had had in several years. And I probably wouldn’t have made the appointment even then if my mom hadn’t been trying to get me to go. And they did the blood work and all that and I came back for my follow up. I was expecting…
Seven Churches
Pastor Scott • First Baptist Church of Belmont • Sermon • • 45 views • 38:25
Introduction Today we are continuing our studies into the Seven Churches in Revelation. We’d looked at the various ways to examine these churches: Historically Practically Chronologically The best use for us today is looking at them in the practical sense. In that the characteristics of these churches…
John A. Murphy, Jr. • MISSION WOODS CHURCH • Sermon • • 56 views • 1:18:51
We’re coming to the wrap up of our Casket Empty Series. This series has been fast. I do want to encourage you, to take the time for a more in depth study with our mid-week Bible Study on Zoom, you can do a study with a partner, as a family, or on your own. We still have a few books available that will…
Jeff Hopson • Fellowship Baptist Church • Sermon • • 93 views • 37:14
THE BEAST FROM OUT OF THE SEA Revelation 13:1–10 Back To The Future—Sermon #31 Intro : In our last study we met the Antichrist. We tried to consider what the Bible says about this coming world ruler who is called the “ Man of Sin ”; the “Son of Perdition”. The Antichrist gives us an opportunity to see…
Revealing Revelation
Travis • Westbrook Park United Methodist Church • Sermon • • 79 views • 1:18:41
Chapter 1 - An overview of Revelation 1-3 , but also the entire book of Revelation. We are looking to break down Rev 1:1-8 today. Rev 1:1 - It’s the Revelation of Jesus Christ to John and to us through John. ++Written in the mid 90’s AD. ++The is the 1st word, but it should be a “A” showing that the…
Jesus is Victor
David Thomas • FHCC • Sermon • • 91 views • 37:31
Joh (in a vision from Jesus) expects a mindset worthy of the Master, rooted in his own obedience and suffering.E
Garey Walker Jr • Living Way Church • Sermon • • 51 views • 37:23
The Church at Sardis Good afternoon! I hope everyone had a great week. Our news this last week has yet again been full of grief and agony. However, there is a story that was hidden amongst all of the evil in our world that I want to address briefly. And the reason is that it deals directly with our message…
Trey Turner • Church at Wazeecha • Sermon • • 23 views • 34:24
In some years we talked about the state of the congregation. Looked at some objective measures… tried to be as clear as we could to the objectives we had at the time. But what would Jesus say to Church at Wazeecha? Would he commend her? Challenge her? Would he say something about what we do? Who we are?…
Barrett Case • Rich Hill Christian Church • Sermon • • 62 views • 34:52
Every week after I preach I think, “Man, I should have mentioned that,” or “I wish I would have hit that point harder and made it more clear.” There’s never time enough to say everything I want to say, but I really should have said more about one phrase in verse 5 of Revelation 1 . Revelation 1:5 (NIV)…
Last Things
Steven Richards • Homerton Baptist Church • Sermon • • 44 views • 37:45
Psalm 38:17–20 (ESV) 17 For I am ready to fall, and my pain is ever before me. 18 I confess my iniquity; I am sorry for my sin. 19 But my foes are vigorous, they are mighty, and many are those who hate me wrongfully. 20 Those who render me evil for good accuse me because I follow after good. Revelation…
Last Things
Steven Richards • Homerton Baptist Church • Sermon • • 61 views • 34:28
Psalm 38:12–16 (ESV) 12 Those who seek my life lay their snares; those who seek my hurt speak of ruin and meditate treachery all day long. 13 But I am like a deaf man; I do not hear, like a mute man who does not open his mouth. 14 I have become like a man who does not hear, and in whose mouth are no…
The Return of the King
Greg Woolf • Connect Church • Sermon • • 1,181 views • 44:34
For the last several weeks we have been covering the End Times. We have talked about prophecies that have been fulfilled, we have look at events that have been foretold by the sun, moon, and stars, and last week we covered the rapture of the church. How many of you like to travel? You makes plans for…