(6,008 results)
Moving Towards the Light
Benjamin Jorden • Grace Community Bible Church • Sermon • • 9 views • 47:16
Finding Joy in Jesus It was a crisp evening in May 1893, and the air buzzed with anticipation as thousands of visitors gathered at the Chicago World’s Fair, also known as the Columbian Exposition. Families, couples, and groups of friends packed the fairgrounds, their voices humming with excitement. They…
In The Word
Jason Worf • Pasco Riverview Adventist Church • Sermon • • 27 views • 30:30
Introduction Have you ever heard of a laughing heir? I’m not talking about laughing gas, I’m talking about when someone gets a call from a lawyer saying, “your rich uncle passed away and left you all his money!” It’s when you didn’t realize you would inherit something, but suddenly someone tells you…
Practice of Godliness
Alexander Galvez • Overflow Ministries • Sermon • • 48 views • 49:21
Prayer Review of Last Class Last week, Brian led us in considering the God-like characteristics of Faithfulness and Self Control. Do you remember the three things that hinder us from being faithful? The triple H. It is hard, it hurts, or we have a big head. Sometimes, we need a little bit of motivation…
Mike Measley • EFBC - Evangelical Free Bible Church • Sermon • • 28 views • 35:09
Let love be without hypocrisy—by abhorring what is evil, clinging to what is good, being devoted to one another in brotherly love, giving preference to one another in honor, not lagging behind in diligence, being fervent in spirit, serving the Lord, rejoicing in hope, persevering in affliction, being…
Romans 11 & 12
Darryl James Sandford • Lighthouse • Sermon • • 17 views • 44:30
Intro In the last chapter we see God has the right to choose and God has the right to do what he wants to with His creation. You are the clay and he wants to mold you. Chapter ended with Isaiah saying Israel is a disobedient and obstinate people. God was going to use the Gentile world to humble them.…
Tony Padgett • Brookfield Church of Christ • Sermon • • 29 views • 45:20
Central Idea Since divisions within the body of Christ will occur, we must strive for unity based on the teachings of Scripture. INTRODUCTION What happens when you bring people together from different social mindsets, political ideologies, religious backgrounds, cultural traditions, and economic standings?…
Reset and Renew: Lessons for the New Year
Malcolm Lithgow • Burleigh Church of Christ • Sermon • • 20 views • 39:26
Our emotions are not simply unhelpful, rather they are God-given faculties which can be used along with our reasoning to help us to love God. Join Malcolm as he explores how we can manage dangerous emotions and press into helpful ones to better love God and others in 2025.
Pastor Cal Callison • HOPE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP • Sermon • • 40 views • 54:13
Philippians 2:1-4 August 4, 2024 So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or…
Samuel E. P. Lindsay • Flooding Creek (FCCC) • Sermon • • 25 views • 37:32
Intro “Let love be Genuine” Let me tell you a story of a young couple. They grew up in church. They became Christians in christian families who went to church come hell or high-water. Yet when they got married they stopped going to church. For no good reason they pulled away from the churches that they…
Jeff Hopson • Fellowship Baptist Church • Sermon • • 6 views • 36:43
Series: Growing in Grace Text: Romans 12:9-21 Title: Grace Toward Others Date: February 15, 2015 Introduction: This whole chapter is a plea for believers to live lives that are pleasing to the Lord. Verses 1-2 are about Grace to Present ourselves to God. We are to consider our own life and get it where…
Michael Ryan Stotler • Laughlin Community Church • Sermon • • 10 views • 25:15
Introduction A life that is sacrificed to God. That is what we have been talking about. Paul has laid out the idea that we are to be living sacrifices to God. He has spent a great deal of time working on what is salvation in this letter to the Christians is Rome, but now as he gets into practicalities,…
Haftarah 2023-2024
Pastor Omar Portillo • Goshen Renewal Ministries • Sermon • • 8 views • 3:56:33
Torah Portion: Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22 Haftarah: Isaiah 1:1-27 Review Three Weeks discomfort. The physical Temple person. study of Torah. Evil Inclination Introduction Torah Portion: Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22 Haftarah: Isaiah 1:1-27 Three Weeks Picture of the Three Weeks of Sorrow/ 3 Rebukes 7 Consolations:…
Chris Bogstad • Sermon • • 25 views • 49:05
Listening to Your Conscience Romans 14:5-9 , 22-23 Introduction Ask for prayers Review of the book 4 reasons you should listen to YOUR conscience 1) Your conscience is a gift from God, so appreciate it ( Rom 1-13 ) Explanation The conscience speaks to us It is part of the image of God, which reflects…
Towards a Vision 2024
Anthony Gentle • Tanilba Bay Baptist Church • Sermon • • 15 views • 28:12
Ideal Church What does the ideal church look like? Now, you might stop me there and remind me that actually, the ideal church doesn’t exist. (I don’t know if you’ve heard the old adage - if you find the perfect church, leave, because it’ll cease being perfect). But let’s just leave that aside and try…
Peter Sample • Calvary Bible Church • Sermon • • 26 views • 50:25
Kelly Clarkson came out with a song in 2021 called: Christmas come early. It goes like this: Candles burning out at both ends I don't miss the crowd, just my friends Seems like everybody needs a little bit of cheer Christmas, won't you please come early this year? I don't need the snow, I'm already cold…
The Great Makeover
Aaron Baldridge • First Free Will Baptist Church • Sermon • • 5 views • 34:47
1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable…
2023 Summer in Romans
Pastor Dave Collett • Sermon • • 28 views • 25:08
Successful Living—God’s Way After Seeking Jesus After Salvation After Submitting to the Spirit After Sacrificing Self to God’s Will After Starting to Serve with Spiritual Gifts Strive for Success in Christian Life Perhaps better: Strive for Spiritual Success. And the best way to Spiritual Success is…
Mike Measley • EFBC - Evangelical Free Bible Church • Sermon • • 150 views • 41:35
Importance Romans is the most complete explanation of the Gospel. In the Old Testament we have the foundations for the Gospel. In the Gospels we have the life of Christ, culminating in the death and resurrection which are the basis for good news. Acts tells of the spread of the gospel. Romans explains…
Romans 12
Ryan Webster • Drummond Community Church • Sermon • • 40 views • 32:56
Intro This morning we continue in the book of Romans. We have been looking over the last few weeks of this 12th chapter of the book of Romans with the theme - why not now. Why not now, live your life for Christ? We make a choice every day, and in reality, multiple choices throughout the day in regards…
Pastor Omar Portillo • Goshen Renewal Ministries • Sermon • • 21 views • 3:40:54
Deuteronomy 16:8-21:9 REVIEW This is our fifth message from Devarim- Deuteronomy elle-ha deverim = these are the words Picture of Journey An 11 day journey that lasted 40 years Reason why the journeys are moments and opportunities to learn The first generation that came out of Egypt was “thick headed”…
Righteousness of God revealed - Book of Romans
James Rogers • Sermon • • 16 views • 53:26
How do you act? How you act reflects what you believe. What you believe stems from what you hear. So, it is application time, as mentioned before with the Romans and for us today. Paul in this teaching passage for application comes along with Christ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount. Everything is…
Adam Johnson • Calvary Foursquare Church • Sermon • • 15 views • 49:16
Live In Harmony with One another Good morning. We are continuing our slow walk through the instructions that are given in 12th chapter of the book of Romans. We spent months going through the first 11 chapters that discuss who God is, and who we are because of Him, and then Paul starts chapter 12 with…
Just A Reminder
Caleb Miles • First Baptist Church • Sermon • • 45 views • 50:35
Recap 2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Humility 1. Wisdom 2. Exaltation 3. Jesus was Submission is the essence of humility What his looks like on a day-to-day basis allowing someone else's position to be greater than your position Gentleness Mighty Ducks…
Adam Johnson • Calvary Foursquare Church • Sermon • • 13 views • 53:18
It has been quiet some time wince we dealt with the book of Romans. We took a break, for me to sick one week - and multiple weeks of other things. We celebrated holy week and the Resurrection of Jesus. As we get back to it - we are refocusing our attention on our own discipleship journey. Paul wrote…
Declare the Gospel
Pastor Joseph Campbell • South Charlotte Baptist Church • Sermon • • 13 views • 34:58
NCCSA Elementary Fine Art Academic Testing: Joann George (3rd) - Science 2nd Brighten Wheeler (4th) - 2nd in Math and Science Joanna Uit de Flesch (6th) - 1st History Art: Brookelyn Russel (5th) - 1st place in Mixed Media Bible Sword Drill (Team): 3rd grade - 3rd place 6th grade- 2nd place Music: 3/4…